|Chapter 14|

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The following morning, SP waits for the four other males to join him at the dining room, Scott currently with him along with Fritz. Scott is serving up breakfast and smiling as he spots Vincent be the first to enter, waving happily as he soon sits at the table.

"Good morning SP" The said neko smiles a bit, wincing as he sits down and placing a hand over the bandages around his chest, "How are you?"

"I'm well thank you Vincent, how are you feeling?" SP asks with a worried look, Vincent chuckling in return. 

"Sore as all hell, but I'll live" He jokes, his tail swishing slowly as he waits patiently for the others.

SP nods and looks over as Mike soon enters, sitting across from Vincent but patting his shoulder gently as he passes. "Good to see you're okay Vincent"

Vincent smiles at that and thanks Mike quietly, looking at the table and feeling his stomach growl. It isn't long until he hears a familiar voice not too far behind him, turning to face the person. "Vincent...?"

Vincent smiles as he looks at Benjamin, carefully standing and nodding. Benjamin rushes over and carefully hugs his brother, his eyes shut tight so he doesn't cry. "Oh thank god...oh thank fucking god..."

The Cheshire Cat smiles more and sighs softly, rubbing his back. "I'm okay...really...it should be me thanking you for saving my life..."

"Anything for my little brother..." Benjamin smiles now, taking a shaky breath as he slowly lets go. "How are your wounds?"

"Sore, but eh, I'll live" Vincent laughs, soon sitting down as Benjamin sits beside him. They start to talk and not notice a sleepy Jeremy walk in the room, yawning tiredly and rubbing his eyes.

"G-Good morning..." Jeremy says sleepily, smiling as he sits next to Mike. He avoids Benjamin's gaze however and the said Hatter goes quiet, looking away from the boy and instead looking at the floor with a frown.

Jeremy smiles widely as he waves at Vincent, glad to see he's awake but refraining from hugging so he doesn't hurt him. "V-Vinny! You're o-okay!"

Vincent nods and smiles, chuckling, "Yeah, I'm all good now. SP and Scott patched me up well" He says, happy that he gets to see everyone.

"Well, now that we're all here, everyone may eat" SP smiles and sits, eating his own food just as everyone begins to.

Jeremy eats his food happily and smiles as he glances at everyone but Benjamin, SP waiting for everyone to finish eating before starting to speak, "Anyway, I have all gathered you here for a reason"

Jeremy stops eating and looks at the White King, tilting his head in confusion as he listens for what he has to say, "Things have become dangerous for all of you, and you need to be sent to a location where you will not be found by Richard"

Benjamin frowns as he hears this, looking at SP with his hands now in his lap. "You will be sent to a cottage in the Birch Forest for your own protection. It will just be you 4, and no one else"

"N-Not even S-S-Scott or F-Fritz?" Jeremy asks hesitantly, worried now as he looks at the two said people.

"Unfortunately, no, they will have to stay here with me and hep me set up the defences" He continues to explain, frowning.

Jeremy slowly nods okay and looks away, sighing shakily. "O-Okay...when d-do we go?"

"Sometime at noon today would be best for you all, after all, you need to head off as soon as possible so you aren't caught by Richard"

The table falls silent and everyone goes back to eating, no one daring to speak a word as they all soon finish the food on their plates.

"I'm gonna...go get ready...." Benjamin says quietly, standing and soon leaving to do so. Jeremy watches him go and frowns, feeling horrible and soon standing to quickly follow the man.

He hesitates before speaking up, stuttering out of nervousness, "B-Benji...?"

The said male stops and turns, frowning as he looks at Jeremy. "Yes little Alice?"

"I...I'm s-sorry....f-for yelling a-and slapping y-you...I k-know you would never just h-hurt me and lie t-to me like t-that..." Jeremy says, his voice growing quieter towards the end as he stares at his feet awkwardly.

Benjamin continues to frown before sighing and bending down to Jeremy's height. "I'm sorry too, for getting angry when I shouldn't have. It's just the fact that you were getting me so frustrated..."

"Oh Benji..." Jeremy sighs and suddenly hugs him, feeling horrible. "I hated h-hurting you, a-and making y-y-you mad..."

"I know, but I'm not mad anymore, and we've resolved everything" Benjamin says, soon letting go and smiling down at the Alice.

Jeremy smiles in return now and sniffs, sighing shakily. "C-Can I help y-y-you get r-ready?"

"Yes of course" He nods and takes Jeremy's soft hand into his own, bandaged one, leading him to his bedroom.


Jeremy smiles and looks at the armour neatly packed away in a large back, putting that on the side of a horse for it to carry. He turns to SP who's smiling at all 4 of them, the boy soon hugging the other. "T-Thank you...for everything..."

"It's no problem at all J-Jeremy, us Alices have to look out for each other" He laughs a bit but pats his shoulder, smiling and letting go.

SP turns to Vincent next and hugs him carefully, soon hugging Mike who helps Vincent up onto the horse so he doesn't have to walk.

Benjamin and SP face each other before hugging each other in silence, SP sighing before speaking. "Please be safe...okay?"

"We will, don't worry love" He says, about to kiss his forehead only to stop and straighten himself up. "Well, we must be off, we have to get there until the sun sets, right?"

"Yes, through Birch Forest, follow the path until you reach the Green Apple tree, then take a right and keep going until you find the cottage" SP explains, smiling warmly at the group. "Good luck"

"T-Thank you S-SP! Good l-luck to you t-to!" Jeremy smiles in return and waves as the group turn to leave, Benjamin looking back at SP the longest before turning to face the forest they are about to walk into.

SP waves goodbye before turning to Scott, who's ears are flat against his head. "Simon...I'm nervous...what if we get...killed?"

"As much as I hate to say this Scott, it's better us than them. They are our only hope for Wonderland now..."


YAY ANOTHER CHAPTERRRRRRR XD I hope you guys like it! I know it's a bit of a boring one but whatever!

Anyway, I'll see ya'll in the next one!

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now