|Chapter 25|

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It's silent when Vincent becomes conscious once more, a groan passing his lips as he attempts to sit up, only to find he's stuck in a wad of mud and rocks. "S...Shit...o-ow..." He mutters and grits his teeth as he tries to pull himself out of the mud, using the one arm that's not stuck to try and grab onto anything that could help him get out. It's all useless however when all he can do is claw at the mud, whimpering a bit as he desperately tries to move his stuck limbs.

"G-Guys!? Jeremy!? B-Benji!? Mike!? Scott!? Fritz!? S-Simon!?" He calls out, starting to panic since he can't get out, "C-Can someone help me!? Please!?" He looks around and quickly shuts his eyes however when he spots his horse, which had unfortunately died and remained poking out of the mud with it's skull cracked open. "F-Fuck...I don't want t-to see that..." He says shakily, taking a deep breath before going back to trying to now dig his way out of the mud.

He looks up to look around again in case he can see anybody else nearby, avoiding looking at his dead horse as he continues his painfully slow method of escape from the mud. "C-Come on come on...!" He growls to himself, getting frustrated now as he tries to move his stuck legs. Unfortunately for him they are unable to move, the Cheshire Cat remaining up to his collarbone in mud. Anxious thoughts begin to run through his mind now as he glances around once more, the environment around him silent side from a slight rush of wind.

His arm begins to grow sore the longer he claws at the mud, which seems to be doing nothing since it just goes back to where it was before. Vincent lets out a small yell of anger before hitting the mud with his fist, his frustration getting the best of him as he growls, "F-Fucking hell! Stupid fucking m-mudslide ruining everything!" He snaps, his ears perking up however when he hears a distant yet familiar voice calling out familiar names, including his own.

"...incent!? Mike!? S-Simon come on t-they have t-to be here!" Vincent can now hear Jeremy stutter, the ghost seeming extremely worried about everyone. The Cheshire Cat cranes his head to find out what direction they are coming from, soon calling out to them when he spots the green glowing ghost, "JEREMY! OVER HERE!" He yells as loud as he can, hoping to catch their attention and he waves frantically with his free arm.

Jeremy luckily hears him and rushes to his aid, Simon riding his horse over and having to look away when he spots Vincent's dead one. "V-Vinny! T-Thank god y-you're okay! S-Simon let's get him o-out!" Simon nods and quickly trots over, dropping the reigns for Vincent to grab onto, "Grab on Vincent!" He says and Vincent is eager to do as he says, holding on as tight as he can as Simon gets his horse to move back and pull Vincent out of the mud. Jeremy helps by grabbing hold of Vincent's arm and helping pull, Vincent gasping when he's pulled out slightly so the mud is only at his waist. 

"K-Keep going! I'm almost out!" He says and grits his teeth as he continues to hold onto the reigns, his arm hurting from all the pulling. With a sudden 'pop', Vincent is pulled free from the mud, yelping when he lands first face into it once more. Jeremy quickly helps him up and attempts to wipe the mud from his face, only for it to phase through his hand. "O-Oh Vinny, are y-you okay?" He asks worriedly, Vincent now wiping the mud from his face before coughing and nodding, "Y-Yeah I'm a-alright, thanks for getting me out guys"

Simon nods and is relieved Vincent is okay, still worried however since he hasn't found Benjamin, Scott, Fritz or Mike yet. "We need to find the others. Vincent you can take the horse since you seem injured" Simon says, motioning to Vincent's torn shirt and large, bleeding gash on his side, which he hadn't even noticed since his lower half had felt so numb. His scar on his stomach seemed very close to reopening also, the wound throbbing and red in colour on the darker skin.

O-Oh my god, y-you're h-hurt!" Jeremy panics a bit from the sight of the blood and scar, Vincent only waving a hand in dismissal as he takes off his jacket and ties it around where the wound is on his side so it would stop bleeding. "It should b-be fine. I can get t-this jacket washed, haha..." He says in a way too cheerful tone for the situation, trying to lighten the mood as he pulls himself up onto the horse with a grunt after Simon gets off.

The ghost Alice is still worried however as the three now continue onwards, making sure to watch out for any patches of mud that they could become stuck in. "B-Benji!? Scott!? M-Mikey!? Fritz!?" Jeremy calls out as they search, looking through the mud and rocks and desperately hoping that none of their friends are buried underneath all of the rubble. They hear another set of galloping hooves however and Vincent glances behind them, spotting Mike riding over on his horse safe and unharmed.

"Guys! Oh thank god, I was getting so worried about you. Have you found Benjamin? Or Scott and Fritz?" Mike asks worriedly and Simon sighs, shaking his head no. "Unfortunately not...I'm hoping they're alright...Luckily for us, the Snickelsnaps are still in tact" Simon says as he speaks, Vincent only noticing for the first time the burn marks Simon now has on his neck, forearms and legs. He had noticed that the King had taken off his armour and can now see the burn marks on his clothes, worry immediately coming over him as he turns to Mike. "Mike, are you injured?"

The White Hare raises an eyebrow before shaking his head, Vincent hopping off of Simon's horse with gritted teeth and going to Mike's instead. "Is it okay if I ride your horse? Both Simon and I are injured" Vincent explains, Mike immediately allowing the said male to take his place on his horse and instead helping Simon up onto his own horse. "Your Majesty, we need to get those burns healed as soon as we get back to the castle" Mike says with a frown, Simon only sighing before moving ahead with Jeremy.

Mike and Vincent exchange glances before following, everyone now searching and calling out for the remaining people that are yet to be found. Vincent's ears perk up once more however as he hears a few squeaks coming from his left, glancing over and spotting Fritz jumping up and down in order to catch their attention. "G-Guys! Over here! Scott's over h-here with me!" He says, Jeremy quickly floating over and gasping when he sees that Scott is practically nearly buried under the mud, only barely conscious with blood trickling from his forehead. 

Mike quickly runs over now and manages to claw away some of the mud from Scott's body, grunting as he reaches in and pulls the March Hare out of the sticky, wet trap. "Shit, Scott! Fuck, Vincent, look after Scott if you can" Mike says, helping Scott get onto his horse in front of Vincent. The March Hare can only groan and whimper in reply, too hurt to speak as he just closes his eyes and weakly holds onto the horse's mane to keep himself balanced.

Vincent watches over Scott as they ride along, keeping a lookout for Benjamin now. Simon is the one who's most worried about Benjamin, wanting to find him as soon as possible so they can head back to the Kingdom and get healed. His eyes scan the mud and rocks littering the ground, searching for any sign of Benjamin being amongst the rubble. A small whimper passes his lips before he sighs shakily, his eyes closing for a moment as he tries not ignore worrying thoughts entering his mind.

"B...Benji...?" Vincent speaks up quietly however, stopping his horse when he spots a flash of purple hidden amongst the mud and feeling a pang of fear immediately rushing right through his body. Simon follows Vincent's gaze and freezes at the sight of Benjamin's tophat, whimpering one more time before ushering his horse to go over as he gets Mike to pick up the said hat. "B-Benji...!? Where are you!?"

Simon yelps a bit when he jumps down from his horse and rushes to the mud, scraping and clawing at it desperately in search of the Hatter. "Benji! Benji where are you!?" He cries, Mike trying to stop Simon before he gets only for Simon to suddenly unbury what is believed to be an arm. The White King's breath hitches as he continues his clawing, digging out the mud and revealing more of a body buried beneath the mud. "O-O-Oh god, f-fuck, B-Benji!" He lets out a sob as he pulls on the arm, managing to pull out Benjamin's unconscious upper body out of the mud, the male seeming to be shallowly breathing much to Simon's relief.

Mike leans down and helps pull Benjamin out, grunting and groaning as he pulls as hard as he can. Just like Vincent, Benjamin is pulled out with a 'pop', landing on Simon who just holds him close with a whimper and small sob. "B-B-Benji oh my g-god" He wails, Vincent feeling himself grow even more worried for his brother when he sees his state.

"I-It's okay b-baby...I g-got you..." Simon mutters to himself before continuing to hold the muddy Hatter close to him, trying not to cry as he tries to calm himself down. Relief floods Simon's mind as he rests his forehead on Benjamin's, Vincent, Mike and Fritz watching over the two with worried looks.

Now it just seems that they have to find a way out of here with 4 injured people, what could possibly go wrong?


And here's another chapter for y'all! Hope you enjoy it! I'll see you all in the next one!

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now