|Chapter 24|

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Benjamin raises an eyebrow at Jeremy and Vincent as they return from their little wander, the two blushing and smiling as they head over to the group. "You two didn't wander off too far, right?" He asks, confused as to why they're both so strangely happy. "D-Don't worry, w-we didn't go t-t-too far!" Jeremy says cheerfully, watching Vincent climb back onto his horse with a cheeky grin, "W-We just w-went to a m-meadow, that's a-all! It was r-r-really pretty!"

"Alright, well I'm glad you two both had fun. Let's get going, we've still got a bit of a ride ahead of us" Benjamin says, leading the group with Simon now as they begin to ride along the path once more. This time, Vincent and Jeremy stayed at the back, watching over their friends ahead of them as they ride along in a soothing silence. Jeremy blushes however as he reaches up and holds Vincent's hand as he rides along beside him, smiling up at the Cheshire Cat lovingly.

The said neko chuckles as he smiles back down at Jeremy, watching the ghost Alice float along beside him. He glances up at the trees above them and catches a glimpse of the sun's position, taking note of the fact that it is currently just around noon. Should give them plenty of time to get there and make it back by, hopefully, sunset.

Benjamin is casually chatting with Simon as they look around at the nature surrounding them, currently in a game where the one who identifies the most flowers wins. Simon is obviously beating Benjamin by a landslide, the Hatter not exactly minding however since he loves hearing Simon talk so passionately. He loves his scientific side, and finds it quite adorable when he just rambles on like nothing else.

Scott, Mike and Fritz are happily making jokes with one another, laughing and smiling all the way. Fritz balances himself on Scott's shoulder so he's sitting on his shoulder without the fear of falling off, Scott's ears remaining up and alert in case there are some sounds that are heard that may mean danger is about. Of course, Fritz is trying to keep the mood light, a few of the jokes he's been making even making Benjamin and Simon laugh up ahead.

Vincent smiles and chuckles as he listens along to some of the jokes being told, his ears too remaining up and alert for any signs of danger. "How close do you think we are now?" Vincent asks a bit loudly so Benjamin and Simon can hear, the said White King turning and smiling back at him. "I'd say we're about a league away now, so we should be there within an hour or so. Hopefully. As long as nothing comes across our path"

The Cheshire Cat nods okay as they continue to ride along, relaxing a bit when Jeremy squeezes his hand. Another hour of this? Well as soon as we get back to the castle I'm gonna have a nap. I'm a cat after all, gotta sleep for 12 hours a day! Vincent chuckles to himself at his own thoughts, spotting Jeremy curiously look up at him with thoughts of what he finds so funny. Vincent just smiles at him return before looking ahead.


It's a little after an hour when they finally reach their supposed destination near a waterfall, Simon curiously looking around for the Snickelsnaps he's searching for. "Hm, they should be growing somewhere closeby..." He mumbles to himself, sighing softly when he can't seem to find the familiar-looking patch of herbs that he wishes to find. "Strange...they could be growing behind the waterfall" Simon thinks, looking over to the waterfall.

"Well I'm definitely not going near there. Water and I don't get along thank you very much" Vincent huffs and crosses his arms, blushing when Jeremy giggles at him and stays by his side. "That's fine Vincent, you can stay here with Mike, Scott, Fritz and Jeremy. Simon and I shouldn't be too long" Benjamin says and takes off his hat, placing it by his horse where it will stay safe. If anything happened to that hat he would flip his shit.

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now