Introduction;; Continuation of the Description, Really

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Bonjour! Greetings, salutations, howdydoo and hello to all my FanWing friends.

That sounds cheesy... way cheesier than I intended it to brie.
I'm funny, I swear; please don't bite me or flame me or freeze my tail.
My name, as you may or may not know, is Oapha - General Oapha of the IceWings. My friends call me Siri - that's after my first OC, Sirocco. You'll find out more about him in the chapters to come, along with all the rest of my characters.
You'll also find a long series of Wings Of Fire-related articles; OC tips, Mary Sue points, fantribe ideas and fan theories. And a few scattered vents, because everyone loves a good rant.

So anyway, if you're going to be reading my nonsense, you may as well get to know a bit about me.
I'm a writer and an attemptive artist (is attemptive a word?), with a love for all things Wings Of Fire. One of my favourite passtimes is creating characters to roleplay, draw and just to keep me company. And so, I thought I'd chronicle them in a nice, big, messy Wattpad book, filled with bios and artwork and pointless bits of trivia.

I have published material out in the world, but that'll remain hidden for anonymity's sake (I am a broke bean please feel free to discover it on your own).

These characters are all owned or created by me (some were adopted). All are open for roleplay, so feel free to message me! I prefer literate, but I don't really mind.

If you'd like to involve one of my characters in a story or your own character's bio/backstory (say, as a relative or friend), or if you'd like to repost one of my tutorials (with credit, I beg of thee) please message me - there's  99% chance I'll say yes, but I just like to keep track of things like that.

... oh, and fanart is always appreciated. ;)

Happy reading!

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