Even More Ships;; My Opinions

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I'm not addicted to these, I swear.
I had a couple more ship requests (and by a couple, I mean one), so I decided now was the perfect time to ship even more hapless dragons and shoot down the crowd's canon favourites. Just for kicks.
- Siri Mom
Edit: This is mostly a trashcan on crack but by all means, read ahead.
Edit 2: If you have any ships you'd like me to rate, there's a comments section down there. Go wild!
Edit 3: Better wear a sweater, kids. IceWings ahead.


LYNXTER;; Give me it.
Okay, once I remembered who Lynx was, I had to sit down and give this ship some thought. I mean, it's pretty obvious Winter has had a crush on her at one point - or at least, he thought her markings were quite pretty.
I definitely support these two a lot more than I do Wintermoon; they seem better-suited together. Also, I'm a sucker for ships within the same tribe - there's a reason hybrids are so scarce in Pyrrhia, kids.
She seems to be quite a nice gal, and was certainly more than welcoming of Winter, considering he did just oust her down a place to third in the rankings. Although I can't see him ever dropping his little obsession with Moonwatcher, if things go to plan and he does return to the Ice Kingdom, I'm quite sure Winter won't be marrying a NightWing dragoness (and that's only partially because of the giant, animus-enchanted kingdom wall which would spear her and leave her very dead upon entry). He's too wrapped up in impressing his family and maintaining a place in the rankings - as any respectable IceWing dragonet would be. It's more likely that, when seeking a mate, he would go for a dragon of equal or higher status; and if Lynx still wants him around by then (which I wouldn't), their alliance would be of infinite benefit to him and his family. And not so bad for her either, considering any offspring of theirs will be the nieces and nephews of the future queen.
7/10; I'd love to see it work, but I'm not sure if he has the capacity to make it.

WINTRY;; No, it's not a hate ship.
I swear I can explain why I ship Winter and Glory, and why they're this high up on my rankings. I know it's unlikely and that he'd never fall in love with a RainWing... why would he ever fall in love with a dragon whose tribe he is supposed to hate?... Winter wouldn't do that... oh, wait!
While I didn't really enjoy Winter's time in the Rain Kingdom, I loved watching him and Glory interact. He was incredibly surprised at being treated as an equal, and was mentioned to find her forms of negotiation 'quite inviting'. 
And no, the age gap is not that severe. Queen Glory is seven, and Winter is maybe four years old. Possibly older.
I'd certainly prefer this over Glorybringer or Wintermoon.
6.5/10. And thus, the two most aggressive sides of the fandom converge in war.

TURNELIAN;; Zodi, here's to you.
I hate to dash anyone's dreams. I hate to fall back on another interesting ship. This could work, I suppose - it really could - and I would be significantly interested if it did...
But for some reason, I'm just really, really not that enthusiastic about Turtle and Carnelian as a couple.
To me, it seems random and unprecedented. As if the fandom isn't even trying any more; they're just slotting the Jade Winglet into various couplings, regardless of sexuality, canon crush or slight impairments such as the death of one of the partners. These two don't really have that much chemistry; and from what I've seen, Carnelian would be far more likely to fall in love with a fellow SkyWing, preferably in the hopes of upping her reputation. While I suppose Turtle is at least a lesser noble, being a son of the queen and all, we must also remember that these two have just come out of a war in which their tribes were sworn enemies. After the destruction of the Summer Palace, I very much doubt he'd be harbouring any friendly feelings towards a SkyWing warrior.
I suppose they would be cute as a couple; their personalities are fairly complimentary. They'd be quite the odd couple.
Those red and green scales could make for a nice Christmas theme - guess we wouldn't need mistletoe for them.
5/10; sorry, sorry and sorry again.

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