an opinion

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Overrated characters in Wings of Fire:

- Darkstalker. He's wonderful with a fascinatingly complex personality, but everyone seems intent on splitting him into two sides: good!Darky and evil!Darky. Also, he gets waaaaaaay too many MAPs/PMVs/projects dedicated to him.

- Glory. Yes, her character development was alright, but she's a huge cliche and quite frankly contributes nothing to the group except Angst™ and a RainWing army.

- Moonwatcher. Why do all the boys like her? What? ??

Underrated characters in Wings of Fire:

- Morrowseer. One of the coolest villains with legitimate motivations for his actions, pushed aside because Darkstalker was more interesting.

- Sunny was literally the reason the war ended but for some reason people push her aside in favour of the other dragonets.

- Fatespeaker!! She gets so much unnecessary hate (especially from Sunnyflight stans) and I don't see why.

- Clay. So many people say he's useless and it makes me want to throw something.

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