Gio;; SkyWing OC. Will Probably Steal Your Stuff

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Hello children and welcome back to another episode of Siri Mom Being Weird, with the latest addition to the crew -
I adopted him recently off the absolutely brilliant talonsandtails on Instagram, so full credits go to dawny.doo for his design and physical attributes.
The name was lowkey from a book I was reading at the time - Vango, by Timothée de Fombelle - for a competition. I found a hostile little background character who existed for about three pages, and found the name to be quite charming.
So yeah. Enjoy my problematic, violent, probably-alcoholic son.
- Siri Mom.


NAME;; Gio.

AGE;; 39 years.

GENDER;; Male (cisgender).


TRIBE;; SkyWing, purebred.

SEXUALITY;; In his words, "NO.". He'd sooner kill than admit he has a thing for Mesquite. ^.^

RELATIONSHIP STATUS;; I ship him with Mesquite so everyone be quiet.

BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS;; It's assumed he has a family. Somewhere. He might be related to my little child Aquila (not yet posted).

PLATONIC RELATIONS;; In Gio's eyes, platonic is a synonym for enemy. He has not, alas, met anybody as of yet through RP.

OCCUPATION;; Currently, a prisoner in the SkyWing stronghold. You can read up about that in my story - Captain, Captain (

ALLEGIANCE;; Literally nobody.


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION;; Thank you to dawny.doo on Instagram for this!
• Scales are a vibrant shade of lighter orange. Red overscales. Pale, tan-green underbelly.
• Fiery, green eyes.
• Slender build; once athletic. Somewhat undernourished, now, with a sagging belly and gaunt features.
• Missing left wing; right wing includes a small tattoo with the yin/yang symbol.

Gio is pretty much your everyday SkyWing, when it comes to build and scales. Quite slender and graceful, he stands at average height. Fast approaching the prime of his life, he was incredibly handsome as a younger dragon: slender and sinuous, he was an expert in terms of charm and coordination, and easily fitter than most regular dragons.
Since then, he has spent some time in prison. Being placed in chains under permanent sedation for five years has taken its toll on the dragon; he is now incredibly stiff-legged and struggles with sudden movements, and has lost the coordination for which he was once famed. He is quite gaunt and unhealthy, having experienced little sunlight over those years - sunken-eyed and potbellied, he walks in a half-limping, half-lurching gait.
He'll probably still fight anyone who points that out.
Prior to his imprisonment, Gio sported vibrant, orange scales plated with darker, red slates. His underbelly and wing membranes were a pale shade of tan-green.
Upon those magnificent, spreading wings were a complicated array of tattoos spiralling out from the central point where the wing-ridges meet at the claw. These coated the majority of his left wing. It is said that, if he gained enough speed in flight, the blur of the patterns would place any dragon who stared too long in a hypnotic trance of sorts - thus making him something of a menace in battle.
When Gio was imprisoned, however, the SkyWing officials ordered the amputation of this intricately-marked wing - for the greater good, should he escape or be released at any point. He was placed under heavy sedation drugs in order to cope with the pain. This lasted for a good two weeks; the guards attempted to wean him gradually, but were met with such frightening withdrawal symptoms that they agreed to continue supplying him with these.
[ Cover the children's eyes! Captain, Captain spoilers below. ]
Once released from the prison, Gio learned to cope with the sudden loss of this sleep induction with rum. He's something of a menace when sober.
[ The children are safe. Spoilers over. ]

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