YouTube !! and Updates

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Hey guys!

It's been a fair while since I posted something, so here's a little rundown of the stuff you've missed from your slightly distressed, very inactive Wattpad mom:

School is back and I've gotten into the swing of things.

Captain, Captain is coming. Coming. I am so sorry. I have sinned. I love all of my readers so so much.

I have no idea what's even going on with my OC reviews.

I may or may not have a Yuri!!! On Ice fic coming up.

Also, happy belated Valentines' day, folks! Don't have a significant other? Now you do. It's me. I'm your datemate now. Marry me, everyone.

Also, YouTube!

I'm not sure how many of you know that I animate, but... er... I animate. So go ahead and check out my videos (and maybe leave a like. Or a sub. I'll return the favour if you pop me a PM)!

Also have a Fathom animation for a MAP part. The only thing I'm really proud of is the end - though I truly do love SeaWing proportions, and it was fun to experiment with movements and things (this was my first head turn animation, my first lipsync and my first front-facing angle - that's a lotta firsts!).

Happy Watting, all!

- Siri Mom.

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