More DoD / #1-5-Related Headcanons

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ALTERNATIVE TITLE;; Everyone Is Queer And Half Of These Don't Relate To Anything.
So this was gonna be a vent but it turns out I'm too nice to vent and actually ended up apologising to the people I argued with about the thing I was gonna vent about.
So instead have some headcanons about the Dragonets of Destiny, since I reread The Dragonet Prophecy today and was feeling nostalgic. Besides, I think we all need some cheering-up.
- Siri Mom.


Gimme gimme gimme gimme. The aro/ace community needs more representation!
I'm not gonna lie. There's a part of me that really, achingly still ships Sunny with Starflight
[ Sunnyflight, TDS and TBN spoiler warning. ]
But after her reaction to his confession and their acknowledgement of Fatespeaker's love for him, I had a long think about things, and came to a very strong conclusion about Sunny and Starflight and love and life lessons, et cetera.
[ Spoilers over. ]
Why is everyone so... so... angry? If anything, this is something of a blessing. Sunny herself is one of the best fictional characters I have ever come across. I can also strongly relate to her personality. She showed me that it is possible to be happy - or act happy - without being naive, and that however underappreciated she may be, individuals like her are needed in our world. And if she can be content without a love interest - as she currently is - I feel like that'll inspire readers a lot. So far, she's been the only character not to fall in love or develop a long-standing love interest in her own book, aside from maybe Clay (angry shippers, stop fooling yourselves; while he may have exhibited feelings later on in the series and may continue to do so, he definitely didn't fall in love with Peril in the Sky Kingdom).
Additionally, the aro/ace community has possibly the least fictional representation of any LGBT+ orientation I've seen. Having said this, the few aro/ace characters I have seen all have a very similar personality: quiet, sad or broken in some way, and nearly always socially awkward or introverted. Sunny is an independent, extroverted, determined, optimistic and innovative character. She's great with other dragons and jam packed full of empathy; all of which is refreshingly different when compared with the usual stereotype!

So I had this idea while beginning The Lost Heir (for the 57 millionth time). I sat down for a while and contemplated what the various tribes would get up to now that the war is over; and in that, the SeaWing royal court. I feel like Shark has kept an altogether overly-strict hold over his daughter with the war going; but now that it's over, I'm hoping this will subside.
With Whirlpool out of the way, I'm hoping Shark will move in closer to his sister, especially now that she's grieving over Gill and worrying over Anemone at JMA. Which means that, while working through this (and probably producing millions of scrolls reflecting her sadness), someone is going to have to look after the little princess Auklet.
Moray detests this idea at first, but eventually is convinced by Queen Coral herself. It's mentioned multiple times in TLH that she looks up to the queen as an idol, but also detests her daughters - possibly because she's afraid one of them will challenge and defeat their mother. But now that she's stuck with a little dragonet in her talons, I can imagine she'd undergo a large amount of character development; she'd watch Auklet grow and teach her about the Sea Kingdom, and basically show her the ropes of royal life. And as a result, she'd form a bond with the little princess.
What would make this headcanon truly perfect would be if Auklet were to become the future queen. It would also be incredibly tragic for Moray; aren't I a wonderfully sadistic plot-twister? (I say. What tears, I ask? I'm - er - cutting onions.)

Very short headcanon here, but I'd love to have a little novella (perhaps in the Winglets series?) about Riptide and Webs reconsolidating. Tsunami helping out in the background (yes, shippers, you can have your cute moment. Take it and run), Squid being a general pain of a student, complete and utter bewilderment as Jade Mountain Academy and the Talons of Peace collide.

POST-WAR TALONS OF PEACE;; I'm calling shots on this fanfiction.
So from what we've seen so far, the Talons appear to be relatively useless now that the war is over. Aside from putting out a few fires, chasing a couple of criminals and helping out with directions, the organisation doesn't really seem to have a purpose now. As the leader, I'm hoping Riptide will change this - possibly with the help of the Dragonets of Destiny, as a side project to Jade Mountain Academy.
What I'd love to see is for the Talons to continue what their original aim was - bringing peace to Pyrrhia. Converting criminals into law reinforcement soldiers, helping out in the poorer villages and slums, trying to reconcile exiles with queens, offering services like postal deliveries and help in mines, farms etc. and providing a sanctuary for the less accepted dragons - namely, hybrids. I'll have to mention CharTonk_ here, since we stumbled upon this idea at roundabouts the same time (however suspicious that may sound); here's to weird coincidences, my friend!
Hybrids appear to be a very controversial matter in Pyrrhia, similarly to what LGBT+ would be in today's world. There would be groups of dragons and even tribes (namely IceWings) full-on opposed to the idea, while some (like the RainWings, who seem relatively relaxed with things like that) may support it. I can easily imagine the Talons of Peace becoming advocates for hybrid rights and offering shelter to inter-tribe dragonets. This would possibly result in the construction of a hybrid haven or city, similar to Possibility (hey, look! It's a home for all the Mary Sues this fandom has managed to cough up).

Okay, so this doesn't really relate to any of the books, but I feel like since I've just spoken about hybrids, it's only fair that I give a mention to LGBT+. Would it occur? Yes. Definitely.
Would it be so controversial?
I'd like to think not.
[ Spoilers ahead - Moon Rising (mild), Umber's crush, Darkstalker (pretty biggish), Sunny/The Brightest Night (pretty major). ]
I'll use the example of Moonwatcher here. When she overheard Umber thinking about Qibli, she didn't seem disgusted, concerned or worried. If anything, she seemed touched by his love, and even giggled about the whole "I wish he were my destiny" thing. However, when she heard of Darkstalker's heritage, she was downright shocked. Winter referred to the combination of the two tribes as "twisted". Additionally, in The Brightest Night, we find a "forbidden SandWing/IceWing hybrid" in Burn's weirdling tower, which suggests a lot about the general view on hybridism. Also, Sunny herself was pretty skeptical on the whole idea of two dragons from different tribes falling in love after discovering her own father, and was also influenced by this while coming to a decision about Starflight.
[ Spoilers over. Whew! ]
All this is a lot more controversy than what we saw with Umber and Qibli. Based on this, I feel like while it may in some cases present an issue (for instance, if a queen with no relatives were to marry a cisgender female dragon, or MudWing siblings who may feel threatened by such a deep relationship outside of their little winglet), it wouldn't be as major an issue in Pyrrhia as it would be in our world.

Come on. Peril hasn't been alive forever.
It's mentioned in The Dragonet Prophecy that if a gladiator wins enough battles in the arena, they are granted their freedom and released from prison. Obviously, no dragon has ever been able to do that since the introduction of the new champion, but I feel like we need to consider what things were like before Peril's hatching.
Consider a time when the arena may have been used to determine things like rankings in the army, or battle training. Offending SkyWings would have the opportunity to rejoin the army by defeating (and killing) a soldier or trainee in the arena; it could even, at one point, have been used as an initiation of sorts (although this would've been pretty costly for the army). But before the war, the arena may have been seen as a form of entertainment - SkyWings may even have entered for fun. An aspiring suitor could challenge his rival, and dedicate the battle to his sweetheart. Regular gladiators would slowly gain a reputation, eventually earning an almost celebrity-like status.
This all ended with the war, of course, and the introduction of Peril. But hey, it's fun to imagine.

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