WOF Headcanons;; DoD and Books 1-5

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Just some soppy lil' headcanons revolving around the Dragonets of Destiny and their crew.
Mostly ships and hungry Clay.
- Siri Mom


COINCIDING OC AND CANON NAMES;; A.K.A., I found a solution.
Before Moon Rising came out, I had the idea of Sirocco in my head. The name came off a friend's riding horse - when I read the books, the idea clicked. A desert wind for a SandWing - it made perfect sense!
Then I discovered Qibli's siblings: Rattlesnake and, of course, Sirocco. Who is, according to the Wikia, a female.
This has happened with a number of my old-fandom friends now. Onyx the SandWing, Avalanche the IceWing (and now-canon SkyWing) and Tundra the IceMud, for instance (all respective friends of mine).
Names are becoming more and more difficult - hence the trend of calling characters meaningless words like Oapha and Sorvo.
Now enter the fandom/canon crossover:
In my roleplay group, the RuneWings (aka ), I allude to a malevolent group of animus dragons who conspire to enchant an entire tribe into existence, intending to enslave these dragons. Highly improbable in the canon Pyrrhia, but excusable all the same (especially given the multitude of animus dragons we see lying around in the fandom).
Take a moment to imagine these dragons (heh, Imagine Dragons reference). What else could have sparked their rage?
For instance, a select few dragons...?
Onyx, Sirocco, Tundra and more. Hapless individuals whose fate, it seems, is to run into trouble. With all that power in their talons, what's a dragon to do but attempt to erase it?
My idea is that these coinciding dragons are, in fact, the same soul; enchanted to forget, to die, and to be reborn, where they may be watched forever. With a different family, personality and background - even an alternate gender or tribe.
If that's too unbelievable, we may even refer to the gods themselves; nameless Pyrrhian deities overseeing the tribes, who make it their duty to erase any dragons they wish.
No, this is not not NOT an excuse to go naming your character Glory or Moonwatcher; however, it CAN serve as a possible explanation for the many clashing names we see in the fandom today.
Also, I may write a fanfic about this.

POLY!GUARDIANS;; Oh dear me, it's polyamorosity.
Ignoring the stupid rhyme up there, I'll never be able to get enough of the idea of Webs x Kestrel x Dune - Westrune, which is in my opinion the coolest ship name ever to hit the fandom.
The poly community needs more love!
Also, it'd be fun to watch all the homophobic 11-year-olds freaking out over it. "No, I don't hate it, but I'm uncomfortable... I can't really relate. Why are gays taking over everything?".
Poor little children. Run away, quick.
Kestrel would be the aggressive mom who acts like the other two are nothing but burdens, but in truth deeply cares for them. Webs would be the passive-nervous dad who constantly frets over the state of everything, but does his best to make sure their little family is happy. Dune would be the responsible one who keeps Kestrel from murdering anyone and protects them at every opportunity. They'd literally all die for each other.
Also, heartbroken end-of-series!Webs.

A WHOLE PILE OF AROMANTIC MUDWINGS;; Please, thank you, goodbye.
So, let's get this straight - in The Dragonet Prophecy, Cattail established that MudWings do not take mates for life. They have a breeding night once a month (terrifying MudWing orgy; dragonet Bigwings everywhere, shield your sibs' eyes NOW) in order to keep the tribe... well, repopulating. Which means that, by default, at least 50% of the MudWing population is aromantic (and straight, bi-, omni- or polysexual).

GAY!JAMBU;; Stereotypical, I know...
Come on, guys - the dude is freaking pink.
And the word gay actually means "happy"; so, enjoy your bright, flamboyant RainWing.

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