Sorvo;; NightWing OC

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Woah what's this?? Oapha's following the crowd and making a what???
Yes, children, this is my only (?) full NightWing character, as far as I can remember. I adopted them awhile back, and when making plans for the next few chapters of Captain, Captain I finally found a use for them. And since I'm kind of writing about him at the moment, I only thought it best to offer a formal introduction.
Full credits for his original design go to -skaadii !! Thank you for this beautiful child.
Edit: Wow and it has a tragic backstory too I'm so sorry guys.
- Siri Mom.


NAME;; Sorvo.

AGE;; Unknown. They look to be an adult.

GENDER;; Genderfluid (he/she/them) - being unable to speak, they communicate their desired pronouns through jewellery; namely their golden hoop bracelet: left leg for she/her, right leg for he/him, removed for they/them.


SEXUALITY;; Gray-asexual (also grayromantic).


BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS;; He probably has someone back in the kingdom. These are all estranged.

I feel like he'd also get on pretty well with Yellow.

OCCUPATION;; Navigator aboard the Hope It Floats.

ALLEGIANCE;; None, really. He never showed any particular interest in the War of SandWing Succession. After the NightWing exodus, he abandoned the tribe altogether, which sums up his loyalty to the peculiar new queen pretty well.



• Odd, dark grey-brown scales; paler underbelly, darker overscales.
• Interesting, swirling star patterns on wing membranes. "The calm after the nebula."
• Gentle, orange eyes.
• Golden horn rings (two per horn) and hoop bracelet.

Having been hatched and raised in the old volcanic island, Sorvo retains a figure and features not unlike that of the average NightWing: gaunt facial features, sunken eyes, chipped claws and a slightly scrawny build only just beginning to fill out after years of insufficient food supplies. Their scales are coloured an uncommon shade of dark grey-brown that doesn't quite blend in with the shadows as well as their tribemates; this may be a part of their birth mutation. Their wings are also rather small, and are in fact missing a ridge.
Their eyes are coloured a warm shade of orange, and seem to retain an expression of perpetual placidity. If one were to look closely, they would find a thin, translucent film covering the iris - however, this does not seem to severely impair their vision severely. They tend to bat their eyelashes when nervous or embarrassed.


+ Quiet and reserved. As a result, they tend to come across as polite.
+ Patient.
+ Independent.
+ Excellent at their job.

- Needs to work on their social skills.
- Somewhat lacking in the empathy department.
- Screw authority. Sometimes.

Their defining trait is their silence.
Whether the damage was done within the shell by tremors and constant proximity to intense heat and chemicals, or outside the egg with their first gulp of air, the constant exposure of the NightWing volcano at the peak of a period of sulphur clouds has rendered this dragon unable to speak beyond a quiet hiss. They were the only egg of their generation to survive, and raised therefore as an only dragonet with few significant friends. As a result of this, they are generally very reserved, and rather patient too.
At least, other dragons think so. They've never really had a say.
In truth, Sorvo neither understands other dragons nor particularly wants to make an effort to. They have all the empathy of a coconut, and will not actively enter a friendship if they feel they aren't gaining enough. They're also surprisingly rebellious, in their own quiet way; they work at their own pace and follow no command but their own. If they can get there by following orders, great. If not, they'll just quietly work around the problem. Even if that means abandoning a post or severely offending authorities.
They seem to enjoy their role on the Hope It Floats well enough; or maybe it's just the pay. Mesquite makes an effort to remain on good terms with them, mostly because of their importance - a good navigator is a treasure to find and a nightmare to replace, and Sorvo is a natural at their job.

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