More WoF Ships;; More Opinions

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AUTHOR'S NOTE;; So many 5/10s!
Since my last one got sooooooooo many positive comments (cue the homophobic twelve-year-olds, Winterwatcher enthusiasts and "How can you not ship Glorybringer????!1.!!" army), I decided to continue with a few more ships I found floating around.
Hey - I'm a trashcan.
- Siri Mom :-).


Famous from @lightning-skybreaker's fanfiction, Wings Of Fire: Blank Space, is Ochre and his beloved chicken nugget, Chris. Forever and always, these two will occupy a special place in my heart (even if the next chapter did rip it out and stamp on it).
10/10 - may they never die.

PINEMONE;; Hamilton SeaWings or leave me to cry.
I don't know why, but for some reason I'm a complete sucker for Pike and Anemone as a couple. It's pretty clear based on his train of thought and behaviours that he's been hired (or threatened) by Queen Coral to protect the princess at all costs; and his treatment of her is just the cutest! Offering her a fish, complimenting her swimming, protecting her and scolding himself when he isn't around her for every second of the time.
One of my favourite headcanons is the idea of an official marriage between the two; arranged perhaps by Queen Coral, with the aid of her ever-trusty Shark. Anemone would hate the idea, but Pike would be patient and allow her to take control of the relationship. While she would hate him and possible shout, he would tolerate this with ease and allow her to do what she will. She would want to escape, more than ever - to the extent of running away from the palace. Alone and cold, she'd eventually succumb to exhaustion. And then, he'd carry her back.
He'd be waiting. Waiting for love (Avicii reference), waiting for her, waiting for the day she discovers the strength to reciprocate his feelings.
"And I'm willing to wait for it."
Solid 8/10 - I'm not a trashcan, I swear.

TURTMOON/MOONTLE;; Not many with me on this one.
Okay, I'll confess - this is one of my hidden favourites.
From the second I read Moon Rising, I had a long thing about who to ship. A very brief "Oh, really?" when I saw Winter, followed by an intense "I LOVE QIBLI" phase and finally, after the [Moon Rising spoilers; I repeat, Moon Rising spoilers] history cave explosion and the scene in the underground lakes shortly afterwards, [spoilers over, you can relax] a calm, ongoing Turtle phase. The fact that the others literally left her sobbing - and that he decided to help her - kind of warmed me to him.
Turtle seems to be a very introspective individual, with a need for company but a lack of desire to be made the centre of attention. I think he'd be a good cornerstone for Moon; they'd be the quiet couple who do cute things like paint pictures and weave flower crowns and leave each other little notes and gifts.
7/10 for this one; I ship both with other dragons, but I would be pleasantly surprised if it became canon.

FIERCEWINGS;; Good grief, a canon ship. That's a first.
Much like Mangrove and Orchid, Fierceteeth and Strongwings are one of the most underappreciated couples in the fandom. I personally think his personality really suits her, and I found her descriptions of him in Prisoners to be quite charming!
If I'm following right, I'm pretty sure these two will end up antagonists - which means opposite the battlefield to Moon, Peril, the dragonets and at least two animi. Not a good sign.
Relying on Tui not to shatter my heart and kill either of them.
I'd honestly love to see them heal.
7/10 - I wish we could've seen more development than a novella.

CARNIPER;; "Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy..."
For the comments, that's Carnelian and Viper.
An Instagram friend introduced me to this a while ago - as two of the most unappreciated characters in the series, I could very easily conjure up some fluff about these two.
... Okay, it would help if the two actually met.
But who says angels can't fall in love?
I might use that line for a fanfiction, actually.
7/10 - an awful lot for a pair of dragons who don't know of the other's existence.

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