Gypsum;; Petty Chubby SkyWing OC

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This gal is possibly the star of my schoolbook doodles, simply because I need to practice my SkyWing anatomy and love her dumpy little proportions!
Please protect this petty child - and, as always, stealing and copying are not permitted. All credits for her original design go to talonsandtails on Instagram.
Feel free to message me if you'd like to involve her in a story or bio!
Honestly, I'd be so happy if she gained in popularity.
- An Overprotective Siri.



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NAME;; Gypsum ("Gyp").

AGE;; 47 years - she's an old mother hen, though she'd rather dragons think otherwise.

GENDER;; Female (cisgender).


SEXUALITY;; Bisexual.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS;; Single pringle, and more than happy to flamingle.

BIOLOGICAL RELATIONS;; Unknown family (estranged).

PLATONIC RELATIONS;; Functions as a mother hen to the entirety of the Hope It Floats crew.
• Frostbite (owned by an Instagram friend);; cookie friend and prisoner.

OCCUPATION;; Jeweller, cook and trinket collector aboard the Hope It Floats; sent as a member of the original crew by Queen Scarlet (formerly a palace cleaner). Hopes one day to retire in Queen Ruby's kingdom.

ALLEGIANCE;; None. Formerly sided with Queen Scarlet - hopes to reconcile with Queen Ruby one day.


• Pale, pink scales; red overscales (tiny, white diamonds embedded between these). Paler underbelly and wing membranes.
• Grey eyes.
• Petite, agile build; quite plump.

Old age has been nice to this girl, it seems; Gypsum retains much of the agile frame which kept her on her toes as a youngster, being petite of stature and light of tread. She'll be the first to admit to a few extra snacks; unlike most of her more athletic tribe, she sports a round belly, pointed snout and slightly stubby limbs.
Pale, rose-pink scales coat the majority of her body, in addition to a pale underbelly, ivory-white horns and darker, cherry-red overscales faded slightly with age. Embedded between these scales are a delicate little array of diamonds, each no bigger than a dragonet's claw; these being procured from a SandWing vessel, and demanded by herself as a reward for what she refers to as her "tireless service".
Her facial features are very high in structure, with fine-framed eyes of grey and a pert muzzle. Her horns curve in the standard SkyWing direction: outwards at the base, then twisting round in a series of little "waves", ending on a slight upright twist. She has been told she has very expressive ears; they tend to perk and swivel at the slightest bit of distraction, much like those of a cat or rabbit.


+ Determined and stubborn, in the sense of willpower; winning an argument with Gypsum is easier said than done.
+ Entertaining conversational partner.

- Bossy; petty, particular.
- A little too expressive of her own opinions.
- Flighty and gossipy; secret-keepers, beware.

Gypsum is a sprightly old dragon, and a force to be reckoned with when she's upset. Loved in a crisis, but hated at negotiations, this pert little dragoness possesses the willpower of a sledgehammer; dragons aboard the Hope unanimously live in fear of her sharp-tongued scoldings. At times, she can be incredibly bossy - a "living embodiment of petty", to hear it from Cavern; although usually, she'll be the one giving out opinions.
She has a keen eye for beauty, but can spot a flaw a mile away; and she'll never hesitate to make that known. Gossip is her shameless pleasure; she could make a spectacle of anything and everything, and will relay her opinion in any conversation - more often than not, without request.
Being a tad flighty and somewhat frivolous, she is incredibly quick to latch on to ideas; trusting her with a secret, therefore, can be considered (in Mean Girls terms) "social suicide".
In general, though, she tries her hardest, and more than ever wants a few friends. She's not the most intelligent of dragonesses - her social success comes as a natural gift of character.


Unlike most of the crew aboard the Hope It Floats, Gypsum has nothing exceptionally tragic or exceptional governing her past. Deemed unfit for combat by the soldiers, she worked as a palace cleaner beneath Queen Scarlet's rule, all the seeking to appeal to those higher in rank in the hopes of rising via association (similar to half the people on Instagra- Imeanwhat). As the years progressed and she grew accustomed to the dragons and dungeons - heh, if I may make a pun so lowborn - of the palace, she became a central source for gossip and trivia. She would find an excuse to attend every party and special occasion, clinging to the tails (and, it is said, the jewels) of said seniors - once again, in the hopes of winning approval.
Perhaps this actually worked, to a degree - for near the end of the war, she was selected by Queen Scarlet to act as the ship's cook and cleaner aboard a seafaring expedition commissioned by one of Princess Burn's now-deceased brothers. This, some murmur, was mostly to rid the palace of its boisterous, nitpicking occupant - but to Gypsum, this was a matter of the highest honour. After a few months at sea, she had quickly established her role aboard the Hope It Floats - no, not a cleaner, thank you.
Upon the death of the SandWing prince, Gypsum was one of the few SkyWings to remain aboard the Hope; when asked, she replied with a simple explanation:
"They deserve to have my cooking on board. Even if they're going to die and what-not, those idiots may as well enjoy cuisine."
Since then, she has grown to be somewhat infamous among the close-knit crew; a terror to the newer workers, a spectacle to the old and a doting little mother to all, she spends her current days living true to her words, preparing meals for the crew, managing rum and fussing over the state of things. It is her utmost yearning to feel valuable in a group of friends - jewels or otherwise - and although she'll never explicitly say it, she adores every single crewmate for offering her such comfort.


D&D ALIGNMENT;; Neutral Good.

SONG;; Things (Robbie Williams ft. Jane Horrocks).

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