WOF Ships;; My Opinion

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Because hey, gotta keep the pattern going.
I've seen a lot of books dedicated to Wings Of Fire shipping opinions, so I thought I'd do something similar in my own big book of Sirocco garbage.
If you'd like to see my opinion on a ship (preferably canon), please feel free to comment below and I'll add it!
They will be arranged in order of favourite (top) to least favourite (bottom), with a rating out of 10 for each ship.
Enjoy the mini vent stream up ahead!
- Siri Mom


BLACIER;; LesbianWings, assemble.
Lesbians, lesbians, lesbians. Blaze and Glacier are and always will be one of my favourite WoF ships. The way Glacier protects her SandWing ally in the war, even offering her a palace within the kingdom... then has to let her go for what may be the last time, directly into Blister's talons.
Note the wing brush as they part.
It is every queen's duty to provide herself with at least one heir of her own, so it seems - as was proven with Scarlet in EP. No husband there, from what I can see. Additionally, I'd like to note Coral's frantic desperation to keep at least one daughter alive - it seems to be a trend among the queens. This could explain Glacier's own daughters (she's mentioned to be on a hunt with them in WT) - her husband may be deceased or estranged.
Two lesbian queens defying the Pyrrhian norm. Hey, I'm the queen of unpopular opinions.
I don't believe the books have addressed Blaze's current whereabouts, but I'm hoping she remains in her icy palace alongside her IceWing ally. Their personalities work very well together, and I would love to see a side novella about them.
10/10 - give me lesbian queens or give me death.

UMBLI;; Two smol gays.
Without any shadow of a doubt, Umber and Qibli will forever be my Wings Of Fire otp. There's a lot of dispute as to whether Umber actually does like Qibli - I read the part in which Moon discovers his interest about five times just to check my eyes weren't deceiving me - but here, I will pose this question:
If Umber were thinking those thoughts about - uh, let's make it Carnelian - would we still be questioning as to whether it's a crush?
I am seriously hoping this becomes canon - we need more gays, yo! It's wonderful that Tui has been inclusive of this little child, and I hope she will continue to do so by making Umbli canon.

VERMOLDER;; @ Tui, I'm counting on you.
Bonding over scavengers, heh.
This will always be a personal favourite of mine, even if Palm does make a sudden reappearance (anyone else think that was her in Prisoners?).
I love the idea of those two joining up as an attempt to bridge the gap between SandWings and SkyWings; it would create a nice little theme in the books, especially with all the controversy of the tribes (I can imagine some tribes, like the IceWings, would be completely intolerant of it, whereas other tribes, such as the SandWings and MudWings, would would wholeheartedly support it; also, RainWings wouldn't give two tail flicks). Also, they're minor characters - and while it's nice to have a LGBT+ main character, a heteronormative background cast makes them seem odd and out of place. Having two homosexual minor protagonists would balance the universe out pretty nicely.
10/10 because equality, yo.

ORCHIDGROVE;; Come on, how could anyone not be trash for these two?
Let's face it: they're the cutest of the cute. His dedication and her wild hope merge beautifully throughout the series, creating a memorable pair well-deserving of all the fanart and fics.
I'd offer my soul for a side book about these two - or their dragonets.
10/10 for the cuteness.

COOKED SUSHI;; Problematic innocence.
I'll admit it's one of my less-considered ships in WoF, but I will always have a soft spot for Flame and Squid. I'm hoping that their paths cross again sometime soon - it would be interesting to see their character development. From the glimpses of Flame's mind in MR, and Squid's dramatic (but sadly, brief) entrance in WT, they both seem to have changed in their own way: Flame is perhaps more remorseful, and needs someone to bring the smile back to his snout. Squid, while as whiny as ever, will hopefully have learned a thing or two from Riptide. Their personalities complement one another beautifully - they're like the little Bambi and Ronno of Pyrrhia.
... Even if love means "hate marginally less than other dragons" for Flame.
9/10, mostly because of Flame's prickly emotions and Squid's petulance, which could clash from time to time.

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