"Good Morning"

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“Good Morning Unwants. Today is the beginning of a new era and I want to give you this opportunity to be part of it.

A year ago, Ally Sane the spoken one in the prophecy, defeated Alaster and I was glad. I rejoiced with ever one else, but then the changes began.

Restrictions here and there, we had to go to these meeting to learn about Unwanted history and having these email accounts which actually has proven useful…

But anyway I believe the dominus  are doing this so a person like Alaster doesn’t arise again but sadly your wrong. I am not going to reveal my name so Fire is what you can call me. Some principles I believe Alaster was right on. Why should we not show the world what we can do? We were born great so we should be great. Not hiding out and living these normal lives.

So I ask you fellow Unwants to join me and rise up against these worthless dominus  that are trying to hold use back. They are the ones we should be fighting not ourselves.

At the next Centennial Conference I will execute this plan and if you believe in my cause you will be there to. You will know its me, I grantee that.

So I will leave you with this one final message. Ally Sane if your reading this come and find me before I find you!”




My heart skipped a beat as I read the last final message of the email on my phone. Come and find me before I find you..was that a threat? Did I even know this person

“Ally Sane bring that phone up right now.” I looked up and saw Dr..White looking furious and his hand was held out waiting for my phone.

Great…I had an urge to send a blast of wind his way because I needed to figure out if this was legit or not but I took a deep breathe in and reminding myself I cant do that and got out of my seat, and slowly made my way to Dr.White.

I could hear the sniffles and laughter and saw the grins are people. Honestly some people need to grow up.

I was standing right in front of Dr.White and handed him my phone. He grabbed and it and looked at me.

“What was so important that you need to look at your phone during class?” Maybe that my life might be in danger I wanted to say but instead I kept my mouth shut.

Dr,White looked at me again and I saw pity flash through his face. “You can pick this up after class.” He said as he out the phone in his pocket. I  nodded and made my way back to my seat,

At least I was going to get my phone back. Someone in the back yelled. “Why did she get her phone back? I had to make my parents come and get it!” I looked at Dr.White as well as the rest of the class to see what he would say.

Dr.White however was just grinning at the boy. “Because, I also need to talk to your parents about your learning deficiency syndrome.” I busted out laughing with the rest of the class and the guy in the back pulled his backpack closer and layed his head down on it and glared at Dr.White.

Dr.White who seemed satisfied with himself continued on with the lesson and I couldn’t help but zone out.

It actually has been a year since I was a freshmen here at Berlin high and I was practically  a new girl and didn’t know who I was. But I discovered I am Unwanted, meaning I can control a element, in my specific case the rare Air.

I found out who my dad was, Mr.Lucain my Latin teacher but he got killed right in front me because of this big war going on. I thought I ended it since I fulfilled the prophecy  by ridding the world of evil like Alaster but now I am not to sure..

Ring Ring.The bell rang and I got up and gathered my stuff. As I got up though I saw Will waiting at the doorway. Did I forget to mention I was still with him?

He looked worried though and I had an idea of why/I motioned for him to wait so I could get my phone. I put my backpack on and walked over to Dr. White. “May I have my phone back Dr. White.” I said kindly as possible.

He nodded and took the phone out  and handed it to me. “Here, make sure I never see it again.” Dr.White said as he glared at me.

I nodded and took the phone and turned my back on him and walked over to Will. I could still feel his stare though.

Will grabbed my hand and when we were a good distance away he spoke. “What is with him?”

I let go of Will’s hand to walk faster.  “I don't know and I really don't care. Did you read it?”Will was easily keeping up and he nodded. “You got any ideas about who it can be?”

I shook my head. “Nope but I know where I can get some answers.” I said as I pushed open the exit door.


A/N:So this is of course a sneak peak to the sequel of New Girl!i will be uploading more later in the year!So before then those who havn't read New Girl should so you can understand the lingo and the background for this story better!Thanks and hope you enjoyed!

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