"Ladies first"

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Slowly I started  to stir and I opened my eyes. Again I was in the limo but this time Fire was right next to me.

            He turned to look at me and smiled. “Ally ,good your awake. We have to make one more stop before you go see my newphew.”

            I got up and looked at him. “Who are we picking up?” I asked. Mr. Black didn’t reply and instead turn to look out the window.

            “In a few days Ally, the conference will be held and I will finally get rid of the Black-market. Everything I ever work for wile b accomplished.”

            Mr. Black turned to look at me. “And it will all be because of you.” I sat there confuse.

            “Why me?” I asked. Mr. Black just smiled. “You will see.” The car stopped suddenly and the window was pulled down leaving me to look at Sean.

            He had his hood on. “Do you want me to get her, Mr. .Black?” Fire grabbed one of the wines and opened it. The cork bounced off the top and landed on the floor by my feet. Silently I dragged it closer to me.

            “Yes, but try not to hurt her.” Fire replied sipping his wine. Sean nodded and headed out.

            “So who exactly are we picking up?” I replied bending down to fix my heel. Fire looked at me. “Did I ever tell you you’re beautiful?”

            I went back up and scooted father away in to the seat. Fire leaned closer.. “You remind me of my late wife.” Mr. Black replied taking another sip of his wine.

            I wasn’t chained so I could punch  his face right now and make a run for it if he tries  anything.

            Mr. Black leaned in closer and I moved my hands closer to the door handle when the door opened.

            Mr. .Black insistently retracted and I was a tad bit blinded by the light. “Let go of me, you ugly little monkey!” I new that voice.

            “HANNA!!!!” and lunged to hug her. “Let go of me!” Hanna replied but she didn’t let go.

            Instead she whimpered in my ear. “He is controlling me Ally..help.” I let go of Hanna and looked at her.

            She was scared. I could clearly see that. “Sorry to interrupt this reunion but we must go. Can’t leave my newphew to wait.”

            Hanna who never seen Fire looked up at him, and I think she could connect the dots. She looked at me wide eye but I didn’t dare  say anything.

            Fire doesn’t  know that I know who his grandson is. “Sean lets go.” The car slowly started to move and we all were just staring  at each other.

            I so badly wanted to talk to Hanna to know why she was here but it seems Fire had the same question.

            “So Hanna why are you not with the others?” Fire replied back smoothly but it looked like he was even scared a little.

            Hanna flipped her hair and looked away from Fire. “Because I am not stupid.Here..” Hanna pulled out of her jacket pocket a actual dagger and threw it at Fire.

            For a second I thought she aimed for his head but it just landed nicely on his lap. Fire looked up and smiled at Hanna. He  picked up the dagger and looked at it.

            “Such a beauty, so sad that soon it will be dripping in blood.” Fire looked up at Hanna who looked like she seemed a ghost.

            Fire threw the sword back at Hanna where it landed right next to her head. “Keep it, its yours. You are going to need it soon enough.”

            I just stood  there dumfounded, looking from Hanna to Fire. What the hell was his deal. Is he manipulated Hanna in some way. If so how..is he even an Unwant? What the hell is he!

            The car came to a halt. “Guess we are here.” I said more  to myself but Mr. Black heard.

            “Yes we are. now I want you all not to say a word to my newphew about me.Understood.” Fire  commanded and I mechanically nodded my head.

            Crap.he did it again. How does he do that. Fire pulled out a little mask from his jacket. It was red of course and it just made Mr. Black look scary..

            He looked to us and I could tell he was smiling. “Ladies first.” He said as  the door opened and I could see Sean.

            Hanna and I both looked at each other. I took in a deep breathe and walked out. It was bright but I could clearly see  who was in the clearing. Harry, with no one with him.

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