"All together"- P.2

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I knew they would come and find me eventually so I let Jason let them in. Its time I learned the truth of what exactly happened before I go there. They  walked in and something clicked in my head, and I knew that I know them.

“Helllo Hanna and Natalie.” I said .They both looked stunned and I had a feeling they knew about my memory problem.

            “I remember you guys okay. No need to look at me like that,” I said to break the tension. It worked. They smile and both came over and hugged me.

“Ally, its so good to see you again,” Hanna replied. “We thought we almost lost you,” replied Natalie and I just both let them hugged me. That empty part in my heart was slowly starting to heal.

“You guys, what exactly happened?” I asked as I pulled back. Hanna and Natalie  looked at each other, and then at me. “What exactly do you remember Ally?” Natalie asked me.

I looked at the both. “My name is Ally Sane, and I am Unwind ,,even thought I don’t know what element I control.”

“Its on your wrist Ally.” Hanna replied but I showed them my wrist which had nothing. That shocked them both.

“Why isn’t your mark there Ally?” Natalie asked me but I didn’t reply because I  didn’t  know.

“I got on this island by being sold on the black market ,and came here with a head injury they I am guessing caused my memory lose.”

Hanna and Natalie  seemed shocked. “ Anything else, like who that guy is but there.”

I looked over at Jason who pointed to Hanna and Natalie and seemed do I want them out. I shook my head.

            I turned  my attention back to Hanna and Natalie. “I met him when I got here. He is a messenger like me.”

            “What is a messenger?” Natalie  asked. I went into explaining  that and what this whole island did. They both didn’t look surpires though..

            “My dad, Lucain who I do remember, own this island .He let a letter here, and told me not to be mad at you Natalie and I don think I was before, right?” Natalie  just nodded and I swear she was going to cry.

            “He left a will to, but Kohl the guy he left in charge, has  a lot of power behind him. He won’t let me take the island from him, so Jacques and Shelby just told me to stay here to rest, till I am ready to leave.”

            “Are you ready to leave Ally?” Hanna asked me and I just looked at her. “No, I am not.” I replied thinking of Will.

            “Will is here. I have  to save him.” I replied and Hanna and Natalie both yelled “WHAT!”

            I nodded looking at them. “Ally are you sure?” Hanna asked me and I just nodded.

            “I am sure, Jason was right there!” Hanna and Natalie just looked at each other. “What you don’t believe  me! Jason can back me up! Jason!!” I yelled but he didn’t reply back.

            Instead we all heard Jason yell, “Get offme.” and I immediately got up and ran  to the door.

I looked over and saw one guy beating up Jason and another just standing over them all. The guy standing  caught my stare and again I felt a headache  coming on.

“Ally.” He said like he was surprised and again images flash, and that guy was Samuel.

            He was coming toward me and the guy beating up Jason stopped and looked at me. “Ally?” he said in a British accent and this time I collapsed to the floor, for what I hope  was the last time., 

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