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“Grrr…” I let out trying not to scream from the pain that was roaring through my arm. I took a quick glance and saw that there was a hole in my blouse, and my skin was cut badly and was gushing out blood.

            I also saw that Fire was behind me and he looked like he was limping. It made me feel a bit better but not that much.

            Honestly Fire came out of now where. I was sitting down trying to think about  why Hanna would want to kill Will. Then the bathroom door opened and this person came out. I am guessing it was boy because he was built like one and the hoodie was covering his face. I got up still un-sure what to do but when he spoke that’s when I knew I was in trouble.

            "I found you first " he said and that’s when I realized it was Fire.I looked around the room tryign to find  a way out but the only option was the window.So i made a mad dash and jumped out.I told the air to support me but as you can see it didnt work. 

            I kept on running but I realized I ran into the forest. I looked left and right and decided to take a left and hide behind a bush. I crouched down and waited, catching my breathe.

            I have never been to this part of town before, is there any way out? Fire walked in and I slowed my breathing. He  looked up high but I wasn’t there of course. What did he think I can fly?

Hm..that gave me an idea. I got up from my hiding place. “Your not Fire are you?” Okay, I didn’t know whether he was or not I just need to make something up so I can figure a way out of here.

However when I looked at him I could see that he was starled..was I right? I slowly moved up to him not caring what happened .He kept on stepping back until he was hiding in the tree's shadows. “Why would you think that?” he asked me.

“Well from what it looks like Fire seems to be an intelligent person. No way would he come directly after me. From what I know and have been though is that is Fire is trying to be like Alaster  and Alaster enjoyed his ndirect methods.”

            Fake-fire laughed and it sent a shiver down my spine. I was so ready to call upon air to see if it will take me somewhere else but then he stepped out of the shadows with his hood off.

            I was so shocked I just stayed in my spot not even moving as he came closer. His face was half burned off and the other side was just so red but what was most striking of all was the blue crystal eyes.

            “Your right I am not Fire..but I like more direct methods.” Panic rushed through me and I stepped toward Fake Fire to call upon air but then a net came down from a tree and it caught me.

            “Let..me .go” I said struggling to break free but I couldn’t. I was to stuck. Fake fire laughed and I could see him grinning.

            “This is only the beginning  Ally Sane. When we’re done with you will have wished you never were awakened.”

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