"100 ft below"-P.2

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Falling 100 feet below is scary aspect but I have experienced scary. I thought of everyone and what everyone has done for me and whatever the protectors asked of me I would do.

Something  caught my sight and I  saw a vine. I grinned and grabbed it. Guess I wasn’t going to  face sudden death.

The rope slowly started to get lifted up and slowly I could see everyone. Hanna obviously the one who was controlling the rope and once I was up I thanked her.

She hugged me something she hardly does. “I walked over to Shelby and Jacques.”

“What am I meant to do?” I asked seriously and they both nodded. “Ally Sane we need your help in sinking the island. There are no promises your are going to make it out alive but you sacrifice will save countless of lives. Do you say yes?

“NO Ally! please don’t.” I heard Harry say and could hear the hurt in his voice. I looked at Shelby and  Jacques and they motioned me to go over to Harry and I went.

He looked horrible and needed to go to the hospital  soon. I lifted his head that was hardly hanging up.

“Will,..made me promise to protect you.” Harry said and I shouldn’t have known. I smiled at him. “Will himself told me I had to do this. Just imagine if I didn’t Harry. My mom, we can’t be selfish with our lives, right Harry?” I replied and he looked at my eyes and he nodded. “Right”

I smiled again and this time kissed Harry on the lips. I turned around and looked at Shelby and Jacques. “Yes.” I replied and they nodded.

Jacques move his hand  over the rocky floor and a water whirlpool occurred.  “Its time to leave.”

I looked around at everyone. Everyone face was grinned and I wasn’t  going to let that be the last image I see of them.

“I do not want  to see  you guys said faces, so for me can your guys atleast smile.” I yelled and they all looked up at me and laughed and smile.

“There better.”  I replied and they started walking toward me.  Samuel was first and I hugged him. “Don’t let other change you Samuel. Trust what you believe in.” Samuel nodded. “ALwya sAlly.” “Oh and thanks for the bike.” I said and Samuel grinned and jumped into the water.

Natalie was next and I just grinned at her and gave her the biggest hug. “Thank you for becoming an Unwant for me.” I said and I could feel her tears. “If I had the chance to do it again Ally, I would.” I looked at her and kissed her forehad. She smiled and waved a good bye and she jumped  into the water.

Hanna was next and we just stood there until she hugged me. “You  make  it out of this cuz!” I smiled and patted her back. “I’ll try.” Hanna shook her head. “You will.” Hanna replied and I nodded. “Tell mom and Lucas that..I love them. Okay?” I said trying not to breakdown.

Hanna nodded. “When you come back you will say that to themselves yourself, okay.” Hanna replied and started walking toward the pool but I grabbed her arm. “Hanna.” I said again ad she nodded. “I will.” She whispered and I nodded and was sad to see her jump into the water.

Jason helped Harry walk. He handed me over and I tried to hold it up. “It was nice meeting you Ally Sane.You are really as great as they say,” and he jumped into the water.

I looked at Harry who was looking at me and started walking in silence to the water.

What could I tell him? I didn’t even know what I was feeling. Harry surprisingly let go of me and raised himself up so that he was looking at me so he could meet my eye.

“Ally,” and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I didn’t smell a meadow like when I was with Will..but Harry felt real and that part in my heart that was broken was staring to mend.

“We have  to do this now Ally!” Jacques yelled and  I pulled away from  Harry.I smiled and he smiled. He  started walking toward the pool. “Ally I love you.” He said as he jumped into the pool. 

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