"Kill Bill"

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I jumped; startled by Harry who came out behind the pillar. I was kidding myself,I knew I would see Harry again. Will ,being his protective self, immediately stepped in front of me and  pushed me aside.

            I looked at Harry and had the strangest feeling. I pushed through Will to get to Harry. “Allyy” Will said tensely but I didn’t listen.  I wanted to find out once and for all whose side Harry was on.

            I called upon air to bring Harry to me. The air wrapped around him and he was slowly being brought to me. I didn’t know what I was doing but this felt right .

            “Ally what are you doing?” Harry asked as coolly as possible. We were now face-to-face and something had changed about Harry. He looked older like he has been through something and it wasn’t the battle.

            “Harry just close your eyes, this might  hurt a little.” I put my hands on his head and the images all flashed by.

            After I woke up from coming back from death I could tell when people had bad intentions or if they had good intentions. It works even stronger if I touch them directly and for Harry I felt like this is what I needed to do.

            All of Harry’s memories and emotions came at me.  The first one that was dominant was grief. His parents died when he was young. He had to move from relative to relative until he was finally awakened inEnglandby Uncle Black.

            Then I could feel joy. Harry enjoyed being with Uncle Black…Then they had to move toKentuckyand that where Harry met Samuel and Will. It made me laugh seeing them so young and they each were showing off there element. Then Harry’s uncle called him and Harry ran off and then everything went black.

            “Stop Ally, please.” I heard Harry say but I could not I was to close. I dug deeper. I saw Alaster and he was smiling at Harry. Harry asked where his Uncle was and Alaster morphed into his Uncle then back into himself .Harry yelled and it almost broke my heart to feel his pain.

            Alaster just kept on laughing and I could feel the rage burn in Harry. His body exploded into flames and he lunged for Alaster. Alaster had a fair fight and then I felt a familiar twinge.

            Harry might have been force to work for Alaster but he never enjoyed it. He was just buying his time until he could kill him himself.

            I slowly withdrew. Harry had good in his heart. When it came down to it he wouldn’t make the wrong choice ever again now that Alaster is died.

            I opened my eyes which seemed to have been closed and looked right into Harry’s. There was grief in those eyes from his parents and his uncle death.

            I let go of his head and looked one more time at him before going toward Will. I felt really tired.

            “Ally you okay?” I faintly heard Natalie say before things got blurry. “I’m..”  I started but then I  felt my legs gave out and braced my self to hit the floor but I didn’t.I felt strong arms around me and looked up and saw Harry. “Did you get your answer?” he whispered to me as he brought me up.

            “Don’t you dare threaten Ally!” Will said coming up to me and taking me away from Harry but  I did it  myself.

I still felt dizzy but I could stiil talk. “Its okay, Harry will be no trouble.” Harry laughed. “Of course I wouldn’t cause if you talked to Samuel you would know I was one of his spys. You didn’t have to do that mind mojo on me.”

            I looked at Harry, and I realized he wasn’t lying. If I only I had known that early I didn’t have to go through all of this. Another wave of nausea hit me and I slowly bent down to the floor.  Hanna came up to me and took my hand. “Your not okay Ally.”  

I got the wind knocked out of me and then I realized I was having vision. It was in the place I have never seen but it was a forest and there was a river flowing through it. Hanna and someone was standing above on a hill.  

 “Hanna please don’t” said someone but I couldn’t see their face. All I saw was Hanna with a dagger. She was crying. “I’m sorry, it’s the best for everyone,” and then Hanna stuck the dagger. “NOO!” I yelled and ran to see who it was. Hanna drops the dagger and ran off as a made it to her. I looked at Hanna ran away and then looked down to see who it was and I wished I hadn’t. “Noo..”

“Ally are you okay!” I heard Hanna say as I came back to reality. I  blinked  and saw that I was back at the Hideout. “Ally you okay?” Natalie  asked looking at me worried. I was still in a state of shock and just nodded.

I got up and slowly made my way to the nearest dorm. “ALLY!” I heard Will yell but I fanilty  heard Harry telling him to let me go.

I didn’t turn around. I turned the knob and  closed the door behind me. I collapsed to the floor and let the tears come out.  I held my knees and took deep breath.

            In my vision the one Hanna kills is Will.  

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