"NOT a Damsel in distress"-Harry P.O.V

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I put on a fake smile while people shook my hand wishing me luck. I honestly wanted them to leave but not like I could say that.

            So I braved through it and after another hour the room was cleared leaving me with Will, Hanna, Nataile, and Samuel.

            “So Hanna have any dreams about this?” I asked trying to break the tension. Hanna laughed. “Shut up, and noo...but if I did have any idea I would tell.”

            Sure you would. “Hanna I am going to ask you one more time, is there anything else your hiding?”

            Hanna looked at frightened as I stared at her. She was hiding something, she just needed one more push to talk.

            “Please Hanna, if there is anything you know just say it. Ally has saved us countless time. We owe her.” Natalie pleaded and that was all it took.

            Hanna crumbled and started talking. “When I was with Fire he also mention something about a black market.”

            “The black market.” Samuel whispered quietly and we both looked at each other. If the Unwanted black market was involve in this, it was worse then we thought.

            “What is that?” Will asked. I sighed. “You need to tell  them Samuel.” Samuel nodded and exchanged glances with Hanna, Natalie  ,and Will.

            What I am about to tell you only domnius know and those that actually broke from the market.”

            Eyes turned to me but I didn’t meet there stare. That part of my life is something I don’t lie thinking about either.

            “Some Unwants who are awaken aren’t exactly ready. Parents sometimes awaken their child to early and the child doesn’t know how to control it. It causes mayhem and when traders hear about it they come at the middle of the might and take the child away.”

            “That’s kidnapping!” Natalie  yelled. “No its not. Mundane rules don’t apply to Unwanted. Plus some Unwants are just taken even though they have control over their powers. No one  reports anything because these traders are high up. Your life would be in the ruins if you do try.”

            “Then what happens?” Hanna asked coldly. Samuel sighed. “They get sold to the  highest bidder. Some want them as servants, others to  to raise properly but that barely happens, and others just to use for destructions.”

            “Why haven’t you guys done anything about it?” Will asked and I could see his fist were clenched. “We tried but it just gets worse. People get hurt and its hard to find the actual  location of the market. Its always moving and its hidden very well. So in everyone best interest, domnius have decided to keep it quiet but we are still trying to take them down. We have a team set up and everything.” Samuel replied.

            When Samuel was done and silence fell over the room. It was a lot to take in. All I could think about though if Fire was involved in the black market then he is going to be even harder to take down.

            Will broke the sielnce. “Maybe that’s what Fire wants..to sell Ally.” Everyone looked at Will and then it hit me. “I think your right Will.Maybe..Fire wants to sell Ally so he can get a profit and use the money for his plan or something. Take my word, if Ally was on the market she will sell for a very high price.”

            “So then what does he want with you?” Samuel asked and I didn’t have an answer. “I don’t know but he isn’t going to do the exchange for sure. He will have a trick up his sleeve so its only fair we have one one to.”I replied.

            “I’ll go talk to mom.” Hanna replied and Samuel nodded. “I’ll go to” Natalie said as she followed Hanna out.

            “I’ll see if there is any news on where the market is.” Samuel said as he patted my shoulder and walked out leaving me with Will.

            “Harry..” Will started but I cut him off. “If your going to yell at me Will I had enough.” I replied coldly.

            Will shook his head. “No..actualy I want to thank you for what you are going to do. I know you know how much Ally means to me.” Will extended his hand and looked at me. I looked at Will and saw that he was sincere. So I took his hand and shook it. “No problem.” I replied and Will smiled.

            “Now can I ask you for a favor?” Will grinned and I laughed. “Already asking or favors know are we..what do you need friend?”

            Will face got serious. “If anything happens to me, I want you to protect Ally.” I let out a laugh but Will didn’t follow. “Your not kidding?” I asked but Will shook his head and kept a firm grasp on my hand.

            “Nothing is going to happen to you Will.” I said but will just shook his hand again. “Something is and I know it. I feel it in here,” Will pointed to his heart “and I am not going to ignore it. So Harry please, promise me if anything happen to me, you will protect her.”

            Will looked up at me waiting fro me to answer.. .I shook his hand again. “Yes, Will I will. If anything happens to Ally she will be protected by me from anyone who causes her harm.” Will had  faint smile on his face, as he let go of my hand.

“Its going to be hard though, she doesn’t like others thinking she is damsel in distress.” I laughed and Will joined in. He seemed happy but I could see he was scared. He had a right to be though. What we are about to face..someone isn’t going to come out alive.


A/N:Hi readers,Thank you so much for reading this far!I will sadly however not be uplaoding in a few weeks..but by the end of Febuary and defiently by the first week of March  you can can count  on some action coming.I just need some time  to write and figure out where this story is going!So again thank you for reading!and any questions or just comments you have please leave them.I love knowing what you guys think.

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