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I woke up to someone yelling in my ear. “Wake up newbie!!” and pouring water on me.

            I got up fast and bumped my head on the wood. I rubbed it “Ouch..”I said to myself and hope it wasn’t bleeding.

            I turned my attention to the kids. “What was that for !” I yelled and  they all scrammed  except  one guy who was coming toward me looking very angry.

            I got out of bed, ready to run if I  had to. The guy smiled and I new he was bad news. He was buff, and very very tan..

            "So it seems you took Henry place.” he said and  I just stood there confused. “I don’t know what your talking about.” I replied.

            He just shook his head and crossed his arm. “Of course you wouldn’t. Well I might as well tell you..YOU TOOK MY DEAD BROHTER PLACE as messenger, and now your going to pay,” he said and then came at me.

            Instinct took over and as he came at me I grabbed his hand and bought it done hard on the wood of the bed.

            I let go and started running ,but I could still hear his screams and his feet chasing after me.

            It was so bright outside that I wobbled a little, but as my eyes adjusted I ran a tad bit faster. I risked the chance of looking over  my shoulder to see if he was following me and I felt myself bump into someone.

            “Sorry, I have to go” I said not even looking at who I bumped into but they grabbed my wrist.

            “You know Ally we really need to stop meeting like this.” I looked to see Jason grinning  like a fool and I really couldn’t deal with him right now.

            “Let go Jason, I have to go. He is coming ”I said tugging, seeing if Jason would let go.  Jason looked at my wrist and then back at me. “Who?” he asked still not letting go but rather wearing serious expression.

            “You little bitch come back here!!!” I heard the guy yelled and stopped tugging. “him.” I mumbled to myself and Jason turned around and saw the guy.

            He let go of my wrist and walked over to the guy. “Jason! What are you doing!” I whispered. “Let me handle this Ally.” He replied and kept on walking toward the guy.

            “What are you her boyfriend?” Come on I can take you,” the guy said and got in a fighting stance.

            “What she do?” Jason asked calmly crossing his arms across his chest. “She banged my freaking hands on the wood!look!” the guy pulled up his hand and I saw what he meant. His hands were turning purple and  were very  swollen. Woopss.I thought to myself.

            Jason however started laughing and I so badly wanted to hit him across his head. What the hell was he doing!

            The guy obviously got angry and to my amazement threw a fireball at Jason, which Jason sending  back with one of his own.

            So Jason was a fire. but then why isn’t he with kohl or the other guy..Jason spoke breaking my thought.

            “Sorry..it was just ..nevermind. What’s your name?” The guy looked at Jason and I swear he mumbled “Hunter”.

            Jason extended his hand. “Jason.” Hunter looked at Jason who was just smiling but Hunter actually took it.

            Jason then put his arm around Hunter shoulders like they were buddies. “So why are you mad at Ally over there.”

            Hunter looked over at me and the rage in his  slowly saw it go away. “She took my dead brother place as messenger.”

            Jason face got sad. “I’m sorry man, how did he die?” I heard Jason say as he ushered Hunter away from me.

            I just stood there wet, and having a very bad headache as I thought what Jason just did.

            Did he just talk his way out of that? “Ally what are you doing over there!” I heard someone yell and turned to see Jacques.

            Crap…how  was I suppose to explain this to  him. Jacques  came over to me and I just smiled. “Why are you wet Ally?”

            I looked down at myself. “Some kids were just playing around and dumped water on me.”

            Jacques shook his head and then touch my four head. When he withdrew I saw that his hand had blood on it.

            I touched my fourhead, and saw the blood. Not  again I thought. “I’m going to go to Shelby to get this clean up.” I  said to Jacques as I walked quickly to the hospital so that Jacuqes won’t ask questions.

            I vaguely remember where the hospital was and I think I took a few wrong turns but I got there.

            It was weird though, they were pulling cots out of the hospital. “Excuse me,” I said as I slipped my the movers to find Shelby.

            I looked though and I finally found her in the last room. “Umm  Shelby.” I said. She turned around and I saw she was a tad bit schoked.

            “Ally, what happen come her.Sit. That needs to be bandage up.” I nodded and sat down as she clean the wound and wrapped it back up.

“So..why are they taking the cots? Don’t you need them?”Shelby looked over here shoulders as they were taking another cot but continued to wrap the bandage.

“Ohh..thats..well it seems Kohl has friends in high places because they are holding the centennial conference here in three days.” 

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