"Why?" -P.2

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“Centennial conference.” I whispered to myself.  Shelby looked at me. “Do you know something Ally?”

            I shook my  head. “Noo..it just sounded  familiar, that’s all.”Shelby looked at me but she nodded. She turned around and got the scissors to cut off the fabric.

            “There you go, all done.” She said placing the scrissors down. I smiled. “Thank you.”

            “No problem.” She replied. I got up and so badly wanted to know what the conference was. I feel like I knew about it. Something about it was important.

            “Shebly..what is the centennial conferee?” She looked up at me. “Well it’s a big deal and I do not know how Kohl is going to do it. I don’t  even know how he got it to be held here. They will find out soon that this is your father island and the whole thing with your mother and Alaster.”

            It felt like I was struck with lightning because I felt my legs go out and  my vision started to blur. “Ally!” I heard Shelby say  but she sounded so far away.

            I was in darkness but I wasn’t scared. Instead I focus on Alaster..I knew him..he was..my grandfather..and I ..”

            “You killed him Ally.” The voice said very loudly and something in my head clicked.

            “Alaster..yes I killed him but I was suppose to right..It was in the prohphecy?” I yelled to the sky. The room rumbled.

            “Yes Ally, good..its coming back to.” The voice replied but I just shook my head.

“Acutally no, I still do not know what element I control.”

            The  voice was quiet for a second. “You will find out soon enough Ally, but you are here for another purpose.”

            “Of course I am.” I said more to myself but I guess the voice heard cause it started to laugh shacking the room with it.

            “Always the smart one Ally..but what I am about to is a serious matter.” The voice said with a serious tone.

            I just nodded,. “Watch your surrounding Ally Sane, there is something in Water that only you need to find.” The voice boomed.

            “What?” I asked. The room just shook and I felt myself going back. “Ask your self why Kohl is dealing in the slave market?  Why Ally? Why?”

            I took in a deep breath of air. “Ally!Are you back!Ally!” I heard Shelby yelling. I looked up to her and nodded. “’I’m fine.I just remembered Alaster thats all.”

            “I  am sorry I forgot you don’t remember him.” I got up. “It is fine.I do know but I still don’t remember the element  I control. I am suppose to know that aren’t I?”

           Shelbyi nstead of looking at me focused on cleaning at tool. “You will know soon enough Ally.”

            I looked at. “That’s  exactly what the voice said.” Shelby looked to. “Whose the voice?” she asked but I just smiled.

            “Nothing.umm I should  get to work? Where do I go?” I asked her trying to steer the conversion in another direction.

            “Its passed the bungalow. Your see it. It a very, plain open field .Can’t missed it. Head north from here.”

            I nodded and was about to head out when Shelb ycalled me back. “Are you sure your okay Ally?”

            I just nodded. “I am fine.” She nodded. “Okay, go.” I waved and took off running all the while hearing the echo of what the voice said..Why?” 

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