"Two is better then one"-P.2 Harry P.O.V

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I saw it coming when it was just over the hospital and looked to see if anyone is the pathway.

            Ally was right there looking at the water and I my feet started running toward her. Jason was to far away but he yelled at her to watch out. She turning around and you could see the fear in her eyes.

            Dammit Ally move, btu she didn’t. The Fireball was so close and I wasn’t to Ally. I looked back one more time and jumped.

            “Ally.” I said as I pulled her down. We both tumbled to the floor and I saw the fireball soar pass, dying out into the  ocean thankfully not hitting any of the boat.

            “Harry,” I looked back around and saw that I was on top of Ally. “Can you please get off of me,” she replied and I felt myself blush.

            I got of her and she got up. She bushed herself off. “Thanks Harry for that..I was just..”

            “Ally are you okay,” Jason sdi as eh came rung toward us. Ally nodded. “Thanks to Harry.”

            I was still on the sand floor and got off and brushed myself off. “That was a good jump.” Jason said and I nodded

            “Why didn’t you get out of the way/” Jason asked and Ally looked around nervous. “I.don’t know. I wanted to but I just couldn’t move my feet.”

            “You must have been sacred that’s all,” I said trying to calm her nerves and it worked.

            A smile appeared on her face for a second but then it vanished when she saw Hanna and Natalie running toward them.

            “That guy…umm what his name,” Hanna said to herself, “Kohl he is here at the front and says he will shoot more of those Fireballs if you don’t come out and talk to him. Samuel; out there now trying to negotiate with him.”

            “There is no way to negotiate with him.” Ally said as she took off running. Jason looked atShelbyand Jacques. “Get everyone inside the hospital and on those boast as quickly as you can.”

            They nodded and we all walked though the hospital and out to face Kohl. Ally had a paper in her had and was already talking or more like yelling to Kohl. I could see she was about to go to Kohl but I grabbed her arm.

            “Let everyone get out of here Ally,then you can go at him.” I whispered to her and I could feel her loosen her grip.

She looked at me and nodded. Shelby and Jacques were already hearding everyone inside with the help of Hanna  and Natalie.

Once the last Unwants was in the hospital ,Shelby and Jacques looked at us. “Ally make sure to make sure of this alive. You are needed to defeat that Therinthrope, don’t forget that.”

Ally nodded. “Close the doors,” Shelby and Jacques nodded. “You know those are  my slaves.”

“No there mine,” Ally said and threw the paper in his hand that flew right to Kohl. He grinned at Ally and grabbed the paper but his expression changed as he read it.

“As you can see Water is mine. Those slaves are mine and I am setting them free. The island isn’t yours and I am saying nicely that you need to get off this island.”

Kohl looked very angry burned the paper in his hand. “No.” “That isn’t the only copy, you know. I don’t know what happened to you since my father told me to trust you, but whatever it is it cost you this island.”

“I don’t  need it” Kohl yelled. “I can have the wholeUnited Statesonce the Therinthrope  is done.”

“That’s if you make it that far,” and Ally sent a wall of air at Kohl who wasn’t even ready for it and flew back.

His army looked at Kohl and then at us. “If you guys are tired of living this life you can go back there and get on a boat.” Jason said.

“And if you stay your end up like Kohl after Ally is done with him.,” I finished off. The army just stood there for a second and all started running  towards the boats.

“Thought so I mumbled to myself,” I looked to see where Ally was and she was close to Kohl.

“Ally don’t get to close!” I yelled at her thinking of what Fire said but I was to late. Kohl raised his hand and Ally completely  stopped. She became frozen, in case of ice.

“Fire and Ice a beautiful combination, but also deadly. If a person can control it them they truly do have power and your looking at one.”

Now that can not be possible I thought. One Unwant controlling two elements?

Kohl just grinned and looked at us. “So which  one of you is going to try take me on first?” 

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