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“Or in about 2 seconds, everyone get down.” Jason yelled as a huge fireball passed through.

I crouched down confused. Where did that come from. The Therinthrope doesn’t have any abilities…

“With the energy the Therionthrope consumes it has all those powers. Earth, Water, and Fire.” Jacques yelled so we all could  hear and I cursed to myself.

So now it can make jokes and controls most of the elements! Joy! “Oh Ally do you now what they call an air that’s dead?”

Everyone looked at me and I just shocked my head. “A ghost, which you soon will be once I find you. Come out, come out wherever you are.” The Therionthrope  let out and then laughed.

“He likes to make jokes” I replied and everyone nodded. “Okay well we need to put a stop to these jokes.” Jason yelled and started throwing his own  Fireballs at the Therionthrope.

Hanna, Natalie, Samuel and even Harry all stood up and attacked the Therniothrope even though they knew it was pointless.  

“Ally over her!”Shelbyyelled motioning me to come her way.  I crawled my way through them since Fireballs were flying ahead of us.

 “Ally Sane, do you see your friends over there? Fighting for a lost cost?”Shelbyasked and I looked at all  of them. I nodded. “What we are about to tell you its all purely your decsion. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. We will not hold it against  you but without this being done, all your friends and the people you love will die.”

It struck me that this is what Will said to me, and I promised him I wouldn’t let that happen.

“What is it?” I asked but just I let it go out of my mouth the ground started to shake. “Your friends are making me angry Ally,” The Therinthrope yelled.  

“The Therinthrope is using earth to cause an Earthquake!! Get to higher ground.” Hanna yell and I looked at Shelby and Jacques.

“As soon as we get higher.” Jacques mouthed and I nodded. They both disappeared and I started running, because wherever I last step the ground was cracking apart.

The therionthrope heaviness has beem making more of impact making the ground crack faster and my legs were starting to wear out.

Everyone seemed to have already reached there except for me. I saw I was right there and I extended my arm to reach  Harry’s.

I jumped to reach it because the ground was falling around me but as my hand didn’t make it I realized I wasn’t going to make it and fell into an abyss of rocks. 

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