"Gone with the wind"-Harry P.O.V

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Full chp.!=]

 Will and I left the room and walked out but we then went our separate ways. Will said had he had to go somewhere and I retired to my room exhausted from everything that happen today.

            I closed the door and threw myself on the bed. I sighed. Life just gets worse and worse.

            Beep..Beep.Beep. I sighed. I spoke to soon. Please don’t send me a message from Fire I thought to myself as I got up and picked up my phone from the nightstand.

            I clicked message and saw it wasn’t Fire, bad thing was it was from an Old friend, Jason, who I hoped never to hear from again.

 “Long time no talk, but putting that aside your in trouble Harry. There is a bounty placed on your head by some Unwant. I don’t know exactly who, but it’s a ridiculous amount..I was even tempted ..but I owe you don’t I? So consider my debt paid. Watch your back and don’t trust anyone. Whoever wants you, wants you alive.”

                                    -Later, Jason

 Crap..Who would want me? Is this why Fire wants me to give me to whomever and get the money…but then what does he want with Ally.

            I sent a quick text back thanking Jason and saying his debt was paid and got up to go talk to Samuel.

            I quickly walked over to the door but as I pulled it open I saw Natalie running by yelling “Hanna’s gone!”

            Hanna’s gone? I ran after but she was fast. “Natalie!”  I yelled but she couldn’t hear me. Let’s try this again.

            “NATILE!” I yelled and this time I threw a fireball right pass her face accidently lighting a curtain on fire.

            She turned around at me and gave me a glare. I stopped and innocently smiled. Natalie sighed and batted the flames out.

            “Why did you do that.” she said. “Well it was the only way to stop you wasn’t it?” I replied and Natalie just beated the curtain harder.

            “Hanna’s gone,” she started. “I heard.” I replied and she gave me another glare.  “Okay, really what happened?” I asked.

            Natalie  looked up at me and sighed. “So we went to see if there was any weapons you can use, and Hanna was interested in this dagger. Lucas and her Mom were a bit iffy about giving it to her but you know Hanna. She talked her way through and they let her borrow it.”

            This wasn't  looking so good ,I thought as Natalie continued. “So we were walking back and I asked her why she wanted it. She was acting very strange and then she said something strange.

            “What was it?”  I asked and Natalie looked up at me. “I’m sorry for what I am about to do.”

            I stayed quiet thinking about all of this. Hanna was hiding something else  too but what! What did Fire make her do! “So how did she leave?”

            “Through the bathroom window.” Natalie said and for a split second I thought about it and then I ran off. There had to be a reason why Hanna left.T had to be.

            “Harry!”  I could hear Natalie yelled but I didn’t listen. I raced past everyone and opened up the girls bathroom.

            “What are you doing here!” a girl yelled at me but I didn’t mind her. My eyes went straight toward the window.

            She gave me a look that I saw though the corner of my eye as she left. I heard the door bang and that’s when I got to work.

            I fiddled around the window looking for something, anything. and that’s when I felt it. It was paper..

            I tugged and it came loose. For Harry was scrawled  on the front and it looked like Hanna writing..

            I opened it and read.

            “Guess your not as dumb as I thought but if you are reading it then Natalie finally has connected the dots and is yelling to everyone that I am gone. Buts its  best for everyone Harry.

            There something else Fire wants me to do and getting this dagger is the first step. I can't stop myself from satbbing it into someone heart. He didn’t tell me who but whoever it is I can’t stop myself from doing it. So I am leaving. Fire will find me but let him. I’ll try to get back with information but this is for the best Harry, I know it. So please don’t tell them about this. I just want everyone I love to stay away from me so I don’t have to plunge this knife into their heart. Please Harry!”

 Hannah.. We could have helped you! I slammed my fist on the wall and Natalie walked in.

            “What’s wrong?” she asked and I silently slipped the letter into my back pocket. “Nothing I can’t get any read from this. It just makes me frustrated.” I replied. If Hanna wanted to keep this a secret then fine.

            “Are you sure?” Natalie asked worried and I nodded. She sighed. “First it was Ally, now Hanna, who next’s!” Natalie said quietly as she stared at her reflection.

            I hadn’t notice it before, but Natalie was put in a horrible position. She was never suppose to be an Unwant but to protect Ally she became one. She could have had a normal life..

            I walked over to Natalie and looked at her in the mirror. I layed my hand on her shoulder. “You know I am next Natalie.”

            Natalie spun around and I could see she was going to cry. “Noo..it shouldn’t. you don’t deserve this.” She said through tears.

            “How do you know what I deserve” I said quietly thinking back to all the wrongs I have done.

            I lifted me head and saw Natalie looking right at me.  “I remember what you did for me when I was with Alaster, Harry.” She said through here tears.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I replied looking at the floor not wanting to look at her.

            “Yes you do, we both know it. I could hear Alaster outside getting those whips ready and you,”  You could hear the pain in Natalie l voice and I had to look at her. She looked up at me with admiration, a look I never have seen before.

            “Then you came looking in saying you break one of his priceless vases ,and Alaster took his angry out on you..when I knew that you didn’t break in accidently.”

            She stared to cry again and I felt a pang in heart and brought her in for a hug. She was wetting my shoulder but I didn’t care. I never knew that Natalie was this sarced from Alaster.

            “Sshh,, don’t  let him get to you, okay.. He is gone for good, Ally made sure of that.” I said trying to comfort her.

            She nodded but she was still crying. “Besides that vase was ugly, it needed to be broken.” I said trying to make her laugh and it worked.

            She withdrew and she was a tad bit red but at least the crying stopped. “Thank you Harry, I wish there was a way I can repay you.” Natalie replied but I shook me head. “You don’t need to.” I said but Natalie  didn’t  say anything, just nodded.

            “Okay well I have to tell you guys something, so meet in the conference room in like ten minutes?” I said as I walked toward the door.

            Natalie  nodded and I looked back at her one more time giving a faint smile, but she didn’t return it. 

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