Chapter 4.

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 Living at the Avengers tower ended up being the best thing that had ever happened to me. They accepted me as one of their own very quickly. I was given free reign of the building and even allowed to leave whenever I wanted. I spent whole days out in Central Park, sometimes just lying in the sun. Something about being with these people affected my abilities. They were stronger now. It was much less common to meet a mind that I couldn't affect a little. I was able to cut out the background noise. I have no idea what it was. Being around people who I actually considered friends? Being able to go outside? Maybe it was being pregnant? Maybe the baby shared my powers and we were using them together?

One of the Avengers, Bruce, shared his body with another. Kind of like Bucky and the Winter Soldier. Bruce had done it to himself though, and it was hard to know when the other guy would take control. I helped put in triggers to break him free when the other guy took over.

I wanted so badly to go out into the field and see my triggers at work in a real situation but Steve forbid it. I know not many of the others thought it was a good idea either. I wasn't exactly a fighter, and there was the whole pregnancy thing. Tony would take me if it were up to him, but he was the only one. So instead it was down to Natasha to unlock Bruce from the other. I liked knowing that it worked though. It gave me hope that if we found Bucky I could still help him. When they got home I'd talk to Nat, scan her mind as she told me all about it. It made me feel happy and confident in what I was capable of.

Steve and I fell into this very domestic relationship. He wanted to look after me the way I had Bucky. Look after Bucky's child. He doted on me. Making sure any cravings I had where satisfied. When I complained about pain, he would give me back or neck rubs. There were concerns about Hydra coming for the baby or there being something unusual about the pregnancy or birth given my powers and the fact the father had been given super soldier serum, so specialists were brought in. Steve attended every medical appointment I had. He got extremely excited getting to see the baby via ultrasound. I didn't mean to, but I fell for him. Hard.

I think part of it was that I had grown up loving him. He was Steve. Bucky's Steve. I shared Bucky's feelings with him so often, that I had loved him before I even had met him. Partly it was the attention he was giving me. I'd been starved it my whole life. It was like a drug. Mostly it was just that Steve was everything Bucky had always shown me. Fierce. Loyal. Kind. How could you not fall in love with him?

To everyone on the outside we were a happy little family. Except we weren't. He was so obsessed with keeping Bucky's baby near him that he blatantly ignored the fact he was having feelings for me too.

When I had been there for around two months a man came. They said he was a god. I could barely even touch his mind. When I tried it was like trying stare into an eclipse. He always knew I was doing it too, and he laughed this big booming laugh and told me to keep trying, one day it might work. His name was Thor, and he wanted to find a scepter. The group all worked as a team following leads on where Hydra were hiding. They'd go out together and come home completely battered and empty handed.

They had come home from one such mission, I was watching TV with Sam and Steve came in slid into the couch next to me put his head on my lap and kissed the swell of my belly. I stroked my fingers through his hair. He was exhausted and frustrated. His body covered in scrapes and bruises. He also thought he'd broken a rib. The pain radiated out from him into me.

"If you let me come with you, I'd be able to tell straight away if the scepter was there." I said.

"No, Daisy. It's too dangerous."

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