Chapter 17.

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I woke suddenly, gasping for breath as the strong scent of ammonia felt like it stabbed me in the face. I blinked my eyes. Steve was cradling my head and looking down at me. I glanced around. I was lying on one of the stretchers kept on board for emergencies. They'd covered me in a blanket. Bucky was holding James, who was sleeping against his chest.

"Daisy?" Steve said.

I went to speak but my voice caught in my throat. Bucky appeared beside me and handed me a bottle of water. I took a sip and looked between them.

"We're here." Steve said. "We need to end this. Then maybe we can go home together. Jamie's sleeping, but we can't leave him alone. You need to look after him."

"Okay." I said, my voice cracking.

"If they come do what you need to." He said.

Steve kissed me on the forehead and let me lie back down. Bucky put James down beside me and I snuggled up to him. Bucky pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Stay safe." He said and kissed my forehead too.

"Come back again." I whispered.

I half watched them stand in the door as the ramp opened letting the cold Siberian air blow through the jet. I had trouble focusing though. I just felt weak and still not quite here. Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder and they laughed. I closed my eyes.

The next thing I was aware of was the sound of jets. It sounded like the Iron Man suit. I scanned and felt Tony. I scrambled to my feet and staggered to the ramp opening it. Tony was facing it hands raised ready to fire, but when he saw me he lowered them again.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am not going to let you take them, Tony." I said, ignoring him.

"That's not why I'm here." He went to move and I shut down his ability to walk.

"Stop right there." I tried to yell, but my voice just came out as a croak. "You're wondering what just happened. I shut down your motor functions. Try and use FRIDAY and I'll shut down your brain. Why are you here?"

"Who are you?" Tony repeated.

"Fine don't tell me." I scanned him, sifting through his thoughts. Saw how he found the doctor was fake. How he'd set Bucky up. That Tony just wanted to fix this. I let him go.

My vision went hazy and I swayed on my feet. I turned on him and turned to get back into the jet. "Who are you?" Tony asked for the third time.

"Doesn't matter. Go help them. I'll fix that later." I said, my voice barely audible to myself. I doubt he could have heard it.

I closed up the ramp and collapsed back next to James. He had stirred a little and was shivering. I pulled the blanket up over him and snuggled against him again. He wriggled around for a moment and stilled his head lolling back and his mouth open. I closed my eyes.

The next thing I was aware of was the ramp opening and Steve supporting Bucky onto the jet. I tried sitting up but my head swam.

"What happened?" I asked. "Did the other soldiers do that?"

Steve sat Bucky down next to me. His arm was missing and his pain was so bad that it felt like mine was too. James woke up and started crying. He felt it too.

"It was a set up. Stark did that." Steve answered. He went to the jets stores are took out handcuffs and walked back down the ramp. Jamie and Bucky were shivering.

"Shh... Jamie. It's okay. You can block his pain out. You just have to think." I said, stroking his head.

Jamie turned to Bucky and touched his leg. The pain Bucky felt suddenly eased right back. It was still there, but it was like Jamie had just dimmed the pain receptors.

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