Chapter 12.

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Time moved on as it usually does. I found out I was pregnant again. Steve and I had not been particularly careful because after James' violent introduction into the world, I'd been told I probably couldn't have any more children. I didn't know how to tell Steve. He was so good with James, but he was still so reckless all the time and his thoughts were rarely about being a family unless they involved Bucky. So I kept it to myself. Wanda scolded me constantly for it. She told me she was going to tell him herself if I didn't soon. I knew she wouldn't.

I was slowly working myself up to telling him when the news broke that Rumlow had escaped from prison and was basically just going on a rampage under the name Crossbones. I became obsessed with just that. Rumlow had taken part of me when I was in Hydra. He couldn't just get away with it like that.

We had finally received intelligence about a target Rumlow was planning to hit and Steve had called us together to plan an attack. We sat around the briefing table. Everyone else was relaxed and in that bored meeting mode people fall into when they just want to get on with things. I however was buzzing. I sat bolt upright, fixed on Steve.

"I'd like to take Sam, Natasha, Vision and Wanda. It should be a relatively straight forward extraction." Steve said. "Any objections."

"I want to go." I said.

"You know that's not practical." Steve interjected. "Until James is able to be left with other people ..."

"So what am I here for? Why even bring me into these briefings? He's one. He can be left with other people." I yelled. I needed to go on this mission. I needed to get back at Rumlow for what he did to me.

"Perhaps she has a point, Captain Rogers? It may be the perfect opportunity for Miss Adams to test her abilities in the field. I could always stay here with the child. He responds to me." Vision suggested.

"You are a fighter, she is not." Steve said. "The team stands as is. We leave in an hour. Suit up."

He got up and headed for the door. I chased after him.

"You have to stop trying to protect me from this world we're part of." I said jogging along behind him to keep up with him.

"I'm quite confident that's not true." Steve said.

"Am I an Avenger or not?" I asked.


I grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned to face me. "Then why am I here?"

He cupped my jaw with his hand, stroking his thumb along my cheek. "Because I love you, and it's the safest place for you to be."

"I'm not helpless." I said.

"But our son is."

I pulled away from him. Fucking Steve, throwing out the 'our son' to try and manipulate me into staying. "So you stay with him and I'll go."

His hand went to my back and he ran it down my spine. "I don't understand why this is such a big deal to you."

I turned, and opened my mouth to tell him, but I couldn't do it. I didn't want him to know about my history with Rumlow. How Rumlow had started having sex with me while I was still too young and ill informed to know better. I didn't want him to look at me differently. "I can make you change your mind you know?"

"Daisy." He scolded. "I know you wont do that."

"Then let me come." I was whining like a petulant child and I hated myself for it.

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