Chapter 18

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I was released from the hospital wing after two weeks. I was so grateful to be out of there. We had been set up in an apartment in the palace. It had three bedrooms and it's own bathroom and kitchen. The people of Wakanda basically just left us alone to heal and to be. For that I could never repay them.

James was so clingy that first day back. He wouldn't let me put him down. If Steve or Bucky tried to take him from me he'd actually use his powers on them to make them let him go. I would make him sit in the corner every time he did it. He'd scream the whole time and as soon as I told him he was allowed to move he'd run back to me and cry until I picked him up.

Steve and Bucky were over thinking everything they did. They wanted to touch each other. They wanted to touch me. Instead they kept a foot's distance between each of us at all times and just glanced around uneasily all day.

After I put Jamie down to bed that night, a job that was thankfully extremely easy. His emotions had exhausted him so much, that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow. I came out to the living room to find Steve and Bucky talking. They'd been talking about me. I could tell that much. It took all my willpower not to dig around in their heads to see what they'd been saying.

"I'm going to bed." I said, and made a beeline for the bathroom.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth and went straight to one of the bedrooms. I didn't even know which one was the one they'd been using. I just picked one at random. Steve appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing, Steve? You should be with Bucky." I said.

"I am with Bucky." He said taking a step forward. Bucky appeared in the door behind him. "Daisy, we used to talk about this. Do you not want it any more?"

It felt like all the fears and jealousy I had been feeling were washed away with those few simple words. I felt physically lighter. I started to cry, all the fears and pain I'd been feeling and bottling up coming out in one go. Steve approached me, wrapping me in his arms. "I didn't think you wanted me any more. Now you had Bucky back."

He kissed the top of my head. "I thought you had changed your mind. That you were disgusted by us."

"Never, Steve." I whispered. "You don't love me the way you love him though."

Steve shook his head. "That's not how love works, Daisy. I love you just as much though. It's just different. Different is okay, isn't it?"

I looked between Steve and Bucky and knew how completely right he was. I loved them both. Bucky was my missing piece. The person who gave me something to live for for most of my life. Steve was the one who brought me into the world outside of Hydra and made me know I was worthy and loved for who I was not just what I could do. "Different is good." I said.

Steve pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped my eyes. "It's hard to know what to do when you're not reading people's minds isn't it?" He said.

I nodded and he tilted my face up to his. His thumb traced over my bottom lip and he kissed me. I relaxed into him, letting him lead the kiss. Bucky came up behind me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and nuzzled at my neck. Steve broke our kiss and Bucky pulled me back to him, taking over from Steve. It had been so long since Bucky and I had been together but it felt right. Steve was right all this time, I was Bucky's. Not in the same way he was, but I was. I was Steve's too. This was how it was supposed to be for me.

Steve hooked his finger into my towel and it fell apart and dropped to the floor. He reached past me and ran his hand along Bucky's jaw. Bucky pulled away from me and kissed Steve. I was pressed tightly between them, watching these men I loved kiss, their tongues moving together.

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