Chapter 7.

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 Steve and I just fell into being Steve and I. It was just who we were. I moved into his room. I'm not even sure when or how it happened. One day I just didn't seem to have my own room any more. It was being turned into the babies room.

Months passed, the others still hadn't found the scepter. We still hadn't found Bucky. Things felt low. We weren't heroes. We could achieve nothing.

Bucky was with me all the time. I couldn't figure out where he was though. I think he was just moving a lot. I'd catch glimpses of places that seemed familiar. We'd figure out where it was, go there and he'd be gone. I had started getting really good at scanning crowds for information I needed. I could search whole groups of people and find the ones who had seen him. Even if they weren't consciously aware that they had.

The main Avenger's team were out. I was back at base with Sam and Maria. Neither of whom were with me right now. I was trying to sleep. I did that a lot. I just felt exhausted all the time. This baby was crazy. It moved constantly and its kicks were getting painful.

I heard the Quinn jet arrive. I gave up on my nap and wandered out to go greet Steve and the others. I made it upstairs and there was a huge commotion. Clint had been injured. Doctor Cho was here to fix him. I didn't even know when she'd arrived.

All of that was like it was happening somewhere else. Almost like it was behind a filter that muffled it out. I was drawn to the jet. There was something on the jet.

Thor walked down the ramp holding what I assume was the scepter in a box. That was what was calling me. It was like it had its own consciousness. I needed it.

I turned to Thor. I had to touch the scepter. Hold it to me. It wanted me to use it.

"Daisy!" Thor greeted me as he headed towards Tony and Bruce's lab. I turned and followed him. "We had a glorious battle! I have found what I came for! Soon we shall all celebrate!"

I didn't answer, just followed after him. Thor continued talking, but I'd tuned him out. He was mostly just regaling me with the tales of the fight, what happened to Clint, that kind of thing.

He dropped the scepter on a bench and moved to leave the room.

"Are you coming?" He asked me. I looked over to the glass room where Clint was being operated on.

"No." I said. "I'll just ..." I shook my head trying to clear it.

"Worried for our friend? He fought a fine fight and will be healed in no time. But I understand your concern." He clapped me on the shoulder and left me alone.

I turned back to the scepter, and ran my fingers along the gold handle. It was the stone talking to me. It wanted me. It promised to help me do whatever I needed if I agreed to use it. I touched it. It was radiating cold. Whatever was calling me was housed inside of the glowing blue gem. I picked up the staff, and opened my mind to it. I knew it wanted me to use it, but I didn't know how.

"What are you doing with that, Sookie Stackhouse?" I heard Tony, but it sounded like he was far away. I turned to face him. "Daisy, give me the scepter."

I blinked at him and my grip tightened on it. I pointed it at him. He held his hand up like he was trying to sooth a wild animal. "Daisy. Stop, please." He sounded hurt. I could see he's thinking about using his suit against me, the thought was eating him up.

"I can help you Tony. I can see everything. I can free you from that pain you feel." I heard my voice and it scared me a little. It was like it was coming in over a loudspeaker. Bruce entered the room. "I can heal you too. Fix your duality." Those didn't even sound like my words. I tried to let go of the scepter, but my hand wouldn't open.

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