Chapter 11.

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I sat and waited, watching everything unfold on the news like the rest of the world. I saw Sokovia start to rise into the sky. I saw the people left on the ground fleeing in terror. People trapped in rubble. I wanted to reach out and touch all of them. Steve. Nat. All my friends. Even the twins who I didn't know and didn't fully trust. I was by myself though and worried if I did that I'd lose myself and James would be here alone.

I kept feeling Bucky. He was watching too. He was near coming back to me. He saw Steve and he was so positive that what was happening was the end. He felt terror for his friend. For himself. For me being alone. He wanted to be there and he wanted to find him. I let my fear radiate out of me. Trying to make it like a beacon to him but James picked up on it and started to cry, so I stopped.

The floating city was approached by a huge helicarrier. Like the ones that fell out of the sky when I finally freed myself from Hydra. When they had moved clear again the city dropped and exploded. It felt like my heart stopped and I sent my mind out almost against my will. I touched on Steve. He was alright. Exhausted. In pain. Alive.

* * * * *

Things changed. We moved from the tower in the city to a new compound in upstate New York. The members of the team who were seen more secondary members, like me and Rhodie and Sam were brought in full time. They all moved to the compound permanently. Wanda and the new life, who was now going by Vision were brought into the Avengers too.

Bruce had disappeared. I actually knew exactly where to find him. I told Steve I knew but that I didn't want to say. He wanted to disappear. I was going to let him.

Tony left. He said he was done with 'Avenging'. He was still financing the operation but he needed to physically step away from it. He'd still come and see us, but the visits became less and less as time passed. Each time I saw him he seemed more and more broken. I wanted to go into his mind and just delete the hurt. I could do that. I'm sure I could.

Thor left too. He was returning to Asgard worried about the vision he'd seen.

Wanda's brother Pietro had been killed in Sokovia. She was broken by it. I tried to imagine what it would be like if Bucky had died with the connection we had. It made my heart hurt.

So I reached out to her. We had a horrible shared life experience that had almost resulted in the same outcome. We were taken by Hydra. Sure she chose that but it wasn't really a choice made by anything other than desperation. We both had these abilities that were scarily similar. I couldn't do the telekinetic thing but she wasn't as strong a telepath as I was.

We became friends. It was slightly uneasy to begin with. She was scared of me. Of what I was capable of doing to her mind. She didn't like that I could see what she was thinking, even though she was able to do the same thing to others. She also didn't like that I was easily able to keep her out of my head. I didn't like how her telepathy felt. It felt like the stone. The stone still worried me despite the fact it was being kept safe in Vision. If I was totally honest, I was scared of her too. I could only read her if I applied massive effort to do so and she could hurt me. I knew it.

Still it happened. We became friends. It was slow, but we were patient with each other. Soon we would have whole conversations without opening our mouths. Everyone hated it. We would be sitting there chatting away and we'd start laughing about something we shared and everyone would glare at us. It was even funnier if we weren't in the same room. I'd be alone with Steve and he'd be telling me some boring thing that I probably should be listening too. I'd call out help to Wanda and she'd send the funniest mental image to me and I'd burst out laughing. Steve would always scold both of us like naughty children.

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