Chapter 15.

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The four of us flew straight to Bucharest. I scanned the city. I could feel how close he was, and I touched on everyone's mind looking for evidence they'd seen him. It took longer than it would have in the past because when I focused too hard my nose bled. If my nose bled, Steve made me stop.

Finally I touched on the mind of an old lady heading home to her apartment. She was thinking of the sweet boy who lived next door. She was going to make Lángos and take it to him. She worried about him eating enough. The boy was not a boy. He was a man. A man with a metal arm.

"Steve! I've got him!" I squealed, opening my eyes.

"What where?" Steve said jumping to his feet. "Sam! Suit up."

I followed him into the bedroom of the shitty little apartment we were holed up in and watched as he stripped off the sweats he'd been wearing and started pulling on his uniform.

"He's in an apartment block, it's probably twenty minutes north east of where we are now. Top floor. Apartment on the left when you take the Eastern stairwell. I can show you."

Sam appeared in the door way. "I was just monitoring the military channels. Bad news. Daze wasn't the first one to find him. A swat team are on their way."

"Damn it!" Steve snapped. "Daisy do you think you can pin point it on a map?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. I don't exactly have an address."

"If they're sending in the authorities the risk is too high for you to come. Particularly not with Jamie. Do your best. See if you can find it while we get ready." Steve said. He was in totally Captain America mode. I wouldn't be able to talk my way into this fight.

I headed back into the living room and using Google maps of all things I somehow managed to find the building. Sam entered the details in his equipment.

"Daisy." Steve said coming up behind me, he was putting his helmet on, fastening the strap on his chin. James was walking along beside him, holding on to one of the pockets on his pants. "This might get ugly. Wait here. If we don't come back call Nat. Please, don't use your abilities to find us." Steve picked James up and kissed him. I stood and Steve passed him to me.

"You have people to live for. Don't forget." I said running my finger down his nose. "And bring him home."

"I'll do my best." He kissed me and left without looking back.

"Don't get killed." I said to Sam as he passed me.

"Who me? I'm always safe." Sam laughed as he followed Steve out the door.

So just like always I waited. I spent the rest of the day keeping James distracted and trying not to worry. When the sun set I turned on the TV to see if there was anything on the news. I flicked through stations until I found footage of Steve being muscled into a car.

I picked up the phone and called Nat.

* * * * *

Natasha had Rhodey come and collect me. He was not happy about it.

"What do you think you're playing at, Daisy?" He snapped at me, barging straight into the apartment.

I glared at him. He was still in his War Machine armor and quite obviously treating me as hostile. "I'm playing at trying to protect an innocent man. Who you might also recall is the father of my child. What are you playing at?"

"I'm just trying to uphold the law." He answered.

I rolled my eyes. "Well aren't you noble?"

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