2. hide and seek

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Nearly three years ago I was sat down with my family, telling them the life altering news. My mom and dad were staring at me as if they knew something was wrong, but they told me later on they never expected me to say what I did.

"I'm pregnant."

Most of the time it's a means of celebration, but with my twentieth birthday right around the corner, this was not the time for balloons and streamers. Mom burst into tears and dad was so angry he stormed out of the dining room not even giving me a chance to explain. I sat at the dining table feeling disappointment wash through my veins. It felt good to get out, but it felt worse to confront the reality of the situation after not wanting to at all.

It was question after question from mom followed by weeks of the silent treatment from my dad. I guess after all he never wanted this for me; he wanted me to go to college, move out of Faycoast and follow my dreams. Whatever that means.

But a week after Valentine's Day-during the snowiest February we've had in years-I gave birth to a baby girl. Even in the midst of the turmoil, life had seemed to slow down the moment she was put into my arms. Just Cecilia and my mom beside me as we stared in awe at the blue eyed baby. And it was in that moment that whatever dreams I had as a little girl didn't matter because the dreams of my little girl did. She was, after all, the only piece of Austin I had left and even with all the pain still burning strong inside of me from when he left, I promise I'd give her everything and more. I promised to never let her feel the rejection I felt.

It's odd how something so perfect can come out of something not so perfect-a relationship that was far from 'goals'. Dad never wanted me to marry him anyway, he said to me once, and mom didn't bother disagreeing.

But when I look at how far we've come in the last two and a half, almost three, years, I can't help but feel proud of myself. Sure, maybe my circumstances were better than others'. Some single parents have the weight of the world on their shoulders, but I happened to have a supportive family and two best friends that help alleviate mine. At the end of the day, though, I only have Eliana and she truly only has me.

The tiny giggles that echo down the narrow hallway of our apartment lead me closer to finishing this round of hide-and-seek. I creep down slowly, feet moving slowly on the cold hardwood floor, cautious not to make too much noise. If my mind serves me well, I know Eliana's probably hiding behind my bedroom door. Again. She tends to hide in the places I've already hid, except when she finds the occasional new spot like behind the curtains or under the kitchen table.

"Where on earth could Eliana be?" I cooed loud enough for her to hear. Giggles erupt from her again and I can't help but stop and laugh myself. Yeah, she's definitely behind my door.

When I get closer, I look at the open door, noticing the movement behind the hinge. Her baby blue dress peaks out a bit from the duller white and brown colors surrounding her.

"Could she be in...here!?" I open the bathroom door, knowing very well it would make her laugh again. "Oh no, I seemed to have lost her! Maybe she's in the closet."

I open the closet to nothing but the usual things cluttered inside. "Oh my. Better check the bedroom, huh? Eliana?" I sang her name a few times, a smile tugging at my lips as I got closer to my room. "Eliana?"

In my relatively organized bedroom, the curtains are drawn open giving a large view of the surrounding buildings and the gray skies that have been among us for two days now.

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