11. flowers on monday

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Make sure to read the note at the end. xx

With the latest order of flowers in today, the shop smells much fresher and looks far brighter than it has these last few weeks. It could be that sun is finally shining after all the rain we've had. Paul, the truck driver, was a middle aged man that was quiet, but a hard worker. Mom insisted that he was the funniest guy she knew, but all he's said to me in the time that I've know him – it's a shit day outside. That was about a year and a half ago during a snowstorm.

The shop is quiet after the morning rush; a few customers coming in here and there. Since it's the middle of the summer we've been getting more tourists than we normally do, but they all have a story to tell. I don't mind listening considering it gets my head off of my life here and into a world I may never know. It makes me a bit jealous when people talk about their travels, but I know better.

Since it's the last Monday of the month, my favorite customer will be here within the next few hours to pick up her latest order of flowers. This woman, I swear, could start her own shop. My mother tells her that she should just plant her own garden, but Mrs. Winters replies with the same thing every time – I'm too old and lazy.

While I'm watering the plants in the far isles, I hear the bell ring. Assuming it's another customer, I go continue spraying down the plants, knowing my mother is in the back if they need help. Plus, the shop isn't that big. They'll see me if they come far enough into the store.

My thoughts wander off into the book I've been reading. It's a story about a girl's dreams. Every night she dreams she goes into a new galaxy, experiencing a new way of life. Later she finds out that there are people from these galaxies trying to communicate through her abilities.
I haven't gotten far enough into the book to know what is really going on; I assume it has something to do with the pills she pops daily.

All I've had is time to read. With my summer days blurring into one and having downtime at work, I can't help but put a book in front of my face. Last night Eliana had a fever that was dangerously close to needing medical attention. I called my mom, begging her to help and she talked me through it. By midnight Eliana's fever depleted, but she kept waking up crying. She didn't officially go down until two in the morning. How I'm awake now is a mystery to me.

"Hey." I jumped, dropping the hose on the ground. Quickly I grabbed it before the water got everywhere. When I turned around Harry stood there with a half guilty smile, but I could tell he was amused. "Sorry, petal. Didn't mean to scare you."

"How long have you been standing there?" I breathed, grasping at my chest and racing heart.

"Long enough," he mused, putting his hands on my waist. His lips closed over mine and my eyes instantly widened. Horrified, I pushed him away. When he pouted, pulling me back I sprayed him with the hose. He stepped back, eyes just as wide as mine, in total shock. "Diana," he grumbled.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing, but it was inevitable. Harry reached for the hose and I squealed, spraying him again, but this time he didn't give up, grabbing the hose from me.

I put my hands up, "I surrender."

He smirked, having the power in his hands now. Damn him, he always has the upper hand and he knows it. "Kiss," he stated, "and I won't spray."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not twelve."

"Kiss," he repeated, tapping his cheek.

Again, I rolled my eyes. Taking a deep breath and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I stepped over the long hose and closed the gap between us. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me even closer – my body up against his. My breath hitched in the back of my throat as I looked at his face in this lighting. The freckles on him were perfect, the stubble on his chin and upper lip that I'm sure wasn't there a few days ago, and those haunting green eyes. Harry turned his face, giving me the perfect angle to kiss his cheek.

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