Important Information

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Hey everyone! Now before you get into this story I wanted to produce some information along with the small backstory.

Y/N: Your Name

Y/Y/N: Your YouTube Name

S/N: Ship name (yes there will be shipping or this wouldn't be a Fanfic)

F/N: Friend's Name

E/C: Eye Color

H/L: Hair Length

H/C: Hair Color

F/B: Favorite Band

Okay those are the first bits, if there are any I missed those will get introduced in the story I will add them in the beginning . NOW TO THE BACKSTORY!

You are from Seattle Washington, you grew up there. Home life was hell on earth for you. Did something wrong, beat. Did something right, beat. Same thing 24/7. All you had to look forward to on, somewhat, daily basis was YouTube. You watched everyone from Markiplier to Jacksepticeye, Ihascupquake to Skydoesminecraft. Skydoesminecraft was your favorite for the longest time, and still is.

But everything went back to normal when you finished you 15+ videos. It always did. So once there were job opportunities, you took them. Then once you got out of school I had already gotten into a college in L.A., you took it just to get out of there.

But when into the fourth month in Freshman year, you got call saying your parents had died. In one way you felt relived, in another you felt heartbroken. But now you knew that you could drop out of college and go back to your home town, like you wanted.

Okay, I would like to welcome you to, Once Forgotten. Hope you enjoy!


Once Forgotten {Mithzan x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now