Chapter 2

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  As I had my minor freak out, Ross, Tim, and Max all asked what was wrong and started worrying, Max was worrying the most though. But all F/N did was slap me. That snapped me out of it, real quick. "F/N WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Tim exclaimed. "Because she did this all the time, she still does as you can see here. All you have to do is slap her and she is done." She said calmly while a smile crept onto her face. The one thing i thought about was that I am going to the offices. I didn't give a crap about her slapping me, I was used to it. 

(Time skip to Offices brought to you by satanic dolphin) 

  When we got to the offices I almost lost it again. F/n held up her hand I immediately stopped. Once we walked up the steps i stayed calm or I would be at risk of being pushed of the railing. But the whole time I stayed near Max, I knew he wouldn't hit me. 

  We reached the last step, F/n looked at me and asked if I was ready, "Does it really get that insane around here?" I asked, she nodded. "Damn, well then lets go." I replied. Max opened the door and I internally screamed. I felt like I was going to pass out. Me, in the offices i always wanted to visit, I even pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, I wasn't. When we started walking around Adam came to greet us, his carpool got there first.  "So Y/n, you want the full tour?" I nodded, "Max, you take her, Ross go hang out with your lady friend," Adam replied. "I SHIP IT!" I said then chuckled. Both her and Ross looked at me then walked away, to his office I suppose.

( Time skip to end of tour because i can't do that much detail) 

  "Then we have my office," Max said. It was really yellow, my eyes almost burned. "I like it," I lied, but other than the color everything was nice, there was even little David on the mic. Once we were done in there we walked over to Ross and F/n but decided to leave because they were having "alone" time. So we walked over to the challenge set and sat on the couch. "So do you like it here?" Max asked breaking the awkward silence, "Yeah, its really nice around here. Why do you ask?" I said back. "Because ever since we started watching your videos, we wanted you to work here. So do you want to work here?" He said, "DID YOU ASK HER YET?!" Adam said from the editing square, "ADAM SHUT UP, I JUST ASKED!" Max yelled back. He then realized the smile on my face, "OMG I WOULD LOVE TO!" I exclaimed back and hugged him. Not realizing what i did i pulled away fast and started blushing, so did Max. "So she said yes?" Adam said walking over. Max nodded. "Okay, well be ready by 9:00 tomorrow and i will come get you," Max told me. He kind of had to, i had no car yet. "Okay, wanna go mess with Ross and F/n?" I said back. Adam and Max nodded and went to get the air horns. 

  We walked into Ross's office and blasted the horns, they stopped and Max said, "I need to go drop off Y/n at her house, you have the car keys." Ross let out a long sigh then threw the keys at us and started kissing F/n again. 

  Max and I said our good bye's and went out to the car, "So Y/n, how do you like the offices?" Max asked, "I don't like them, I love them. Everyone is funny, but still nice." I replied with a smile. Then we got in the car and i typed my address into my GPS. 

(Time Skip To House, just know there was traffic)

  Once we pulled up to the house, i sat in the car in awe. The house looked bigger than on the website. I got out of the car, as did Max. I already had the keys and was opening the door, shaking. When we walked in, I started counting while looking at the bedrooms, 6, bathrooms, 3. I am going to use one as a home office and the others i have no idea what to do with.

  Once i was done with my room counting, I turned around to see Max standing in the kitchen. "I wanted to ask you something," Max said, "Do you want to go get dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked. I knew that there was something about him i fell for. The hair. The brown eyes that sparkle in the sun light. The personali- no, you haven't even known him for a week. "I would love to, Max." I Replied going  against my thoughts like i normally do.

     (Author's Note: To sudden? Nah, sorry there weren't to many signs to see that Max liked you. But what do you expect, he is kinda mysterious. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. FOR THERE ARE MORE TO COME!


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