The Lost Chapter

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!6 Years Later!

Life was going pretty good. I am done with my grief and have started a new life. I have a girlfriend, I call her Cheese, so do my fans. I do YouTube, and love it. I think my "leaving" the offices was for the best of myself. It gave me more time to think about myself.

Everyone at the offices and I are still friends, we hang out on weekends. I still apologize for the way I acted years ago. But it's all gone now. I can't say I don't still love Y/n, because I do. Even if we are not together. But I wished she was still around, there was something I was going to ask her when she saw, her kissing me. Anastasia got fired a few days after Y/n's... thing. Last I heard she moved to Florida to be with her family. 

The hardest thing I ever had to do was make the video for her subscribers. Telling them that she was dead. I didn't go into detail, but I did delete the channel a few months after the video. Everyone was excepting.

Skip to present day, she may be gone. But I have learned to accept it. I am a bit mad she never talked to me about it, I would have been there for her. But I can't change the past. No matter what, she will never be forgotten in my heart.

(Author's Note: Thanks for all the support on this book. It means the world. I thought I would give Max a little closure. 


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