Chapter 1

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As you woke up in your small L.A. apartment, you relised that today was the day you were moving back to Seattle. You imminently smiled and called your friend, F/N, who you haven't told about moving back.

F= F/N Y= Y/N

F: OMG Y/N I haven't heard from you in forever!! How is college life treating you?

Y:Well, I actually dropped out and I am moving back home....

F: OMG THAT'S AMAZING! I can't wait for you to meet my new boyfriend! Also why didn't you tell me sooner?

Y: I was really caught up in packing. I have to go now and finish some things, bye!

You hung up just before F/N could say bye. The thought of her having another boyfriend was something that made you sad about going home. She would always get boyfriends and you would be left in the dust.

But now was no time to think about that! You were moving today!

{Time skip because planes are boring}

As got off the plane to get your luggage you saw a group of guys with F/N, she was picking you up. All that went though your mind was 'is she dating all of them?' Just as you finished your thoughts she walked over to you with someone that looked oddly familiar. Your mind went back to high school, but he didn't look like any of the people there, so you kept your thoughts to yourself. 

F/N started hugging you and then introduced you to him, "Now, before you freak out, this is Ross. My new boyfriend." F/N said, as she said that you remembered where you saw him, he was House_Owner, one of the Youtubers you watched. "Oh, cool. Nice to meet you Ross! Now F/N, why do you have 7 guys with you?" I asked. She smiled and dragged me over to them. "Well I would like you to meet, Sky Media." She replied. After she said that you almost lost it, but you still kept your cool. Last thing you wanted to do was start screaming in front of your idols. "Well, no need to introduce yourselves, I am a big fan of all of you. Adam, you are the reason I started YouTube and Max, you are where I get my editing style from." I said as I was internally freaking out. I had always had the biggest crush on Max. "Well we are big fans of you also Y/N, Y/Y/N is an office favorite." Adam said while I smiled like an idiot. It was your dream to meet them, but to be told that they watch your videos was the icing on the cake. "Well I'm happy that you enjoy it." I replied.

All of a sudden Max said, "Well we should get going back to the offices, Y/N you are with Tim, Ross, F/N, and I."  I started thinking, 'me, in a car, with my crush, this is new usually guys run from me at first sight' 

We started walking to the car and when we got there I called shot gun. As we started driving I asked where we were going, they all replied, The Offices. That's when I lost it.

{Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed the first part of Once Forgotten. I know it didn't get into the love stuff, but you needed somewhere to start. 

~+ SarcasticPro

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