What Happened To The Characters?

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Hi everyone! Today instead of the FAQ i am going to be telling what happened to the characters in my story.


So really what happened was the normal stages of grief. But some tended to last much longer than others, anger and depression. 

In my story, because this is not real life, Max didn't ever leave the offices. He got fired. Reason being, all the anger. As most of us Mithzan viewers know "Mad Max" was a stage thing, sort of. Don't quote me on that tho. But in the "story" Max got fired because even after they were done with the "Mad Max" gig on camera, it would continue on. With everyone.

Now sorry about that, i may have crushed some dreams right there. But, you're dead anyways, SORRY I HAD TO! 

Your Character

Now some of you may be asking how she died instead of what happened to her. Remember that razor you had in the bathroom that day, when you ran home pissed? You used that. Now you can make up whatever scenario you want on what she did with the razor, this is not my decision.

F/n and Ross

They got a happy ending a few months later. Ross proposed to her. See some of them are going to be happy!

Everyone Else

Grief. That was with everyone. 

I would like to thank you for all the support on Once Forgotten! We recently hit 200 reads! This may sound cheese, but it really means a lot to me. So thank you all!


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