Chapter five

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After Jaime left the room Kelli put on her bra and shirt before putting her hand on her cheeks. "We really need to find a way to not get caught anymore because that is really fucking embarrassing." Kelli said making me laugh.

"I'm sorry about those losers, come on let's go face them before they barge in again." She got up from the bed and walked over to me before I opened the door and walked out with Kelli close behind me. We walked through the hall before making it into the living room where Jaime and Mike were sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty.

They looked over at us and Jaime immediately looked over at Kelli's boobs making me overprotective and I got in front of her covering. I glared at him and he turned around quickly, "So what the hell are you both doing here?"

"Well we were going to hang out in my room but I don't even want to go in right now." Mike said making me laugh. "Sorry about you having to see my boobs." I said. Mike laughed, "Don't worry about it just remember to lock the door next time." Jaime and Mike both got up from the couch and walked to our room. "So about the nipple piercings?" Kelli raised an eyebrow.

"You know, it might actually be hot, but the bad thing is that I won't be able to touch them for a while," she pouted. I giggled and wrapped my arms around her waist "I have other parts in my body that you can touch too so don't worry about that."

"We haven't been able to finish today!" She whined. "I know baby girl but there is literally no other place to go." She groaned and sat back on the couch covering her face. "But I'm horny!"

"Woah, Vic do you not know how to satisfy her needs, 'cause I'll happily do it for you." Jaime said walking in making me glare at him. He chuckled before walking into the kitchen. "How about we go get your nipples pierced." Kelli said making my eyes widen. "Now?"

"Yes, we have nothing better to do anyway." She shrugged. "The person who ends up piercing them should feel really lucky to see them." She said climbing onto my lap and leaning in to bite my lip.

"Wow that is hot!" Jaime said behind us making Kelli pull away and I sat her on the couch before chasing after Jaime. He was laughing the whole time I was chasing him. I finally caught up to him and I pushed him to the ground straddling him. I started punching him until he flipped us over and started tickling me, I couldn't stop laughing until Kelli walked up to us clearing her throat.

"Oops, I'm not trying to steal your girl don't worry." He said backing away from me and walking to the room. Kelli pulled me up and snaked her arms around my neck. "You're mine," She whispered kissing my neck and giving me a trail of love bites all the way down to my collarbone. She pulled away and smiled at what she did to me.

"Now come on let's go get your piercings." She said grabbing my hand and walking out the door. This girl is amazing, even though I might be hers she isn't mine.

We walked to the nearest tattoo shop and I was starting to feel really nervous. Is it going to hurt? Come on Vic of course it's going to hurt it's a fucking piercing on my nipples. Kelli hasn't let go of my and and I was started to feel self-conscious because my hands were starting to sweat.  We walked up the guy full of tattoos behind the counter. "What do you ladies want today?" He asked with a British accent. "She wants to pierce her nipples." Kelli said with a cute smile but the way she said it made me blush.

"Alright, just sign this paper and wait a few minutes before we get started." He said.

"Oh and by the way my name is Oli." He said winking at Kelli. I glared at him when he looked down at Kelli's boobs. I pulled Kelli over to the couch and sat her on my lap. "You know he was hitting on you right?" I asked her and she nodded.

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