chapter nine

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Victoria's Point of View

After Kelli left I sat on my bed contemplating on letting go of Kelli or not letting go of her. I have had a crush on her for so long and now that I finally have her she shows no interest in me.

Jenna on the other hand shows a lot of interest in me and I like the attention she gives me. Even though I really like Kelli I think it would be best if I just let her go and stop holding on to her and obsessing over her.

I deserve better and I shouldn't just stay stuck on Kelli my whole life knowing she doesn't like me. My thoughts went back to Jenna and the date that we were going to have soon. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited because I really was and for once in my life I felt happy while on my date with Jenna.

She was really a nice girl and she had an awesome personality she was almost to perfect. Jenna was also really hot and beautiful but that was just a plus.

After a couple of minutes I ended up drifting into a deep slumber.


I woke up to Mike's loud music playing and him screaming at the TV because he kept dying. "Can you shut the hell up I'm trying to sleep!" I exclaimed and threw the closing thing to me which happened to be my phone.

"Oww! Victoria what the hell that hurted!" He exclaimed

"Hurted is not a word." I said and he rolled his eyes. "I don't care," he continued playing his game and I sat up before slipping on my shoes and going to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and afterwards took a quick shower. I didn't really feel like brushing my hair so I just put in a messy bun; today was one of those days.

My stomach made some weird noises so I walked to the kitchen and found my mom making breakfast. "Good morning mom," I said and kissed her cheek. She smiled, "Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep?"

"I slept okay but I've been having some girl problems." I groaned. She turned to me and turned off the stove before wiping her hand with the nearest rag. She walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Tell me all about it I'm here." She said and I started telling her about Kelli and Jenna. After I finished my long story she stayed quiet for a little bit before she started talking.

"Well, that girl Kelli seem really nice and she seemed like she liked you when she came over I mean the looks she was giving you. But if you say she doesn't like you then fine go out with that other girl she seems like she makes you happy. Before you do anything you will regret I think you should talk to Kelli. I think both of you would make a cute couple. Just do what your heart is telling you to do not your head." She smiled and got up from the chair and told me to set the table.

I did as she said and went to call Mike. Once we started to eat I started thinking about what my mom was telling me. I think I should just stay with Jenna because Kelli is just really confusing and I just want a really and stable relationship.

"So how was your date with Jenna?" Mike asked. "It was great actually thanks for setting us up." I smiled.

"You're welcome I just want to see you happy and it seemed like Kelli wasn't making you happy." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know. No more Kelli I promise I just have to tell her that what we have is over I have to stop hurting myself and find someone better."

Mike nodded and finished eating before placing his dish in the sink. I did the same and washed his dish along with mine. My mom had just finished cooking and cleaning so there was no need for her to do it again.




The doorbell rang and I went to go open the door; it was Kelli. "Hey, I have been texting you for a while now and you didn't answer so I started getting worried." She said with a worried expression on her beautiful face. "I'm fine, just a bit busy that's all."

"Oh well can I come in?" She asked and I shook my head quickly. "Nope sorry like I said before I'm a bit busy so there is no time to mess around."

"Um okay, well then I'll text you later." She said and looked down at the floor before turning around and walking away. I started thinking about it and I thought it was time to just end things before I start feeling guilty and regret it.

"Kelli wait!" I exclaimed and she turned around looking a bit happy. She walked back to me and stood at the same spot as before. "We need to talk," I said. She nodded and walked in once I moved out the way. We both went to the living room and sat down on the couch.

I didn't really know how to start saying what I wanted to say so before I had the chance to say anything she spoke up. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"About us," I mumbled.

"What? I didn't here you."

"About us," I said but this time with confidence.

"What about us?" She asked looking genuinely confused.

"This," I said gesturing to both of us, "whatever the hell we have going on I'm ending it."

"Are you serious?" She asked looking kind of pissed and hurt at the same time. "Yes I'm serious."

"Fine," she said before getting up from the bed and leaving the room. I sat there in shock for a bit before getting up and walking to my room. Kelli is a total bitch and I'm happy that I just ended what we had. I just had to think positive but the thing was that I couldn't. Even if I thought that Kelli was a bitch I literally have been in love with her most of my life.

Mike was once again sitting on his bed watching TV and I ran to him hugging him and laying down beside him. I started crying and even though he didn't know what I was crying about he just cuddled with me and rubbed my back. After a couple of moments I felt the bed dip and someone else wrapped their arms around me.

I turned my head a bit and saw that is was Jaime. Both my brother and my best friend were comforting me while I tried my best to calm down but I just couldn't.

I stopped crying once I felt like I couldn't anymore and I just laid there for a moment before Jaime spoke up. "What's wrong?" It took me a moment because I didn't want to start crying again but I swallowed my saliva before I spoke up.

"I ended things with Kelli." I mumbled. Jaime and Mike hugged me tighter and I smiled feeling very warm and loved. They were both always there for me when I needed them and I couldn't ask for anyone else better.

Hey guys I finally found my charger for my laptop so I can start writing again. I'm going to try to finish all my stories before the year ends so that I can start fresh but I think it will take me a while. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will continue to read this book. Also I will have like a small contest for people who want me to send them something for Christmas. All you have to do is just send me an edit of your favorite quote or make me a cover for my new book dead love which is the warm bodies remake. Also Vic finally liked my picture on Instagram and I am so happy. One more thing that has me so happy is that my sister emailed Pierce the Veils manager and asked them if they can call me and wish me a happy late birthday or just call me for a little bit to talk and they said yes! I am so excited and they said they will call me as soon as they can and you guys don't know how beyond excited I am. But anyway yeah I will try to update more often and whoever wants to enter the contest you know what to do.

Also happy Thanksgiving or happy late thanksgiving.


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