Strategic Promises

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Curie stood at Castle's large gates most of the morning. She had been waiting for word from John, hopefully to be carried in by a provisioner. It had been four days since he had left to go on a mystery mission with Piper. She feared the worst, that something had happened. He knew Diamond City was dangerous, she would wring his neck if he managed to get himself hurt or worse.

"Good morning, ma'am. Has it come yet?"

Curie turned away from her brooding. It was Preston who spoke. He was referring to word from John, she knew, he had said the exact same words every morning since he had left. Sometimes she was convinced that Preston loved him as much as she did. She put on a brave smile as she shook her head and returned to watching the steady stream of people entering Castle to trade.

The courtyard was especially busy today and she hadn't a clue as to why. It seemed to be wall to wall people buying and selling everything from laundered dresses to huge assault rifles. She searched the crowds coming in for any sign of the Minutemen traders that traveled the Commonwealth. While Castle made a good profit off of their wares, the provisioners were even better at bringing in and getting out sensitive information.

The traders were packed perfectly for such business. Their Brahmin held cheap goods that had no real value to eat or build with, making them rarely a target for raiders. However, they had enough wares to not rise suspicion when traveling, and were almost never stopped by the Brotherhood of Steel's outposts for questioning.

"I hope word comes soon. The men are getting restless, worried about the General."

"I am worried as well, Preston. There should have been something by now."

"Maybe he just got caught up or couldn't get a hold of a blank holotape."

"Maybe." She agreed, her voice trailing off. Near the end of the line of people waiting to get in she saw one of their traders, but he seemed to be missing his brahmin. When his eyes met with hers, he waved her over.

"There, Preston. He has something." Without another word, the pair moved quickly around the people to intercept the man.

"You have news, yes?" Curie asked. The man nodded and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a small holotape. She took it and thanked the man, as she turned to leave he grabbed her arm causing her to look back.

"After you listen to that Miss you have to stop him. He's talking crazy. Had me deliver a guy for him, lost my wares on the way. Mutants took my brahmin for food."

"Deliver a man? Why?" Preston asked.

"Can't say. Just listen to the tape."

Curie felt a cold chill the whole walk back to the war room. She couldn't shake this uneasy feeling. What was he up to? What trouble has he gotten himself into? She was impatient to hear his voice, but she had to wait for the others. She had sent Preston to round up everyone else before she could play the tape.

She pulled the terminal off a metal shelf, and set it down on large table, covering the sprawl of intel across it. Reaching up above the doorway, Curie grabbed the loose wire and connected it to the back of the computer. With a clank and a whir, it sprung to life. The green letters scrolled on to the screen, ready now for the tape.

After what seemed an eternity, Preston returned with the inner circle. Rhys and Haylen entered first. Formerly Paladin Rhys and Scribe Haylen of the Brotherhood of Steel, they were now deserters who had taken up arms in support of the Minutemen. Preston Garvey came in with Sturges, both of whom had been with the Minutemen from the very start. Ronnie filed in next. She was a gruff, tough as nails commander of the old Minutemen, choosing to rejoin the cause after the retaking of Castle. She ran the armory now, keeping their inventory under a tight watch.

Lastly came Hancock, the face of Castle. He was without his usual handful of guards that followed him around the complex. Curie could also see young Shaun, peeking from around the corner. She knew he was just as worried about his father as she was, so she pretended not to notice the boy as she left the door open just a crack so he could hear.

"Alright, we are all here. Let's play this thing." Sturges prompted. Curie nodded as she jammed the tape into the terminal.

Clicking and beeps filled the room as the computer loaded the tape. Words popped up almost immediately asking for a designation. It was a password of sorts created by John, so that only Curie was able to play any of the holotapes.

Curie was a synth of sorts. She had been created as a NannyBot and modded inside Vault 81 to be able to continue the scientist's work long after they were gone. She had been trapped there in that vault for longer than she cared to remember. Shortly after the Sole Survivor had rescued her, he had helped her move her data and personality into an old synth body.

She had the functions of a human without all the subroutines of a synth that had been enslaved by the Institute. John was one of the few left in this world who never treated her like a robot. Most of the people she came in contact with day to day merely tolerated her. They saw her as a synth and not for what she really was. John had joked that they needed a password for the tapes and had given her a 'designation' just like a real synth. She had seen the satirical nature of the jest and thought it was rather amusing. She had even given him his own designation for her tapes as well.

Curie smiled as she punched in her designation, 'NB-01'. More green text scrolled onto the screen as the terminal worked to decrypt the files. Finally, the sound of static filled the room and the Sole Survivor's voice followed.

"I hope my tape reaches you all in one piece. By now I have been gone for a few days, holed up near Diamond City. At the time of this recording I am safe. I have been steadily working on a plan to track down and locate Detective Nick Valentine. His secretary, Ellie is currently in custody inside Diamond City. To find Nick, I must get Ellie out. Hopefully, by the time this tape reaches you, I will have succeeded. I am working tirelessly to make sure 'Red Glare' goes as planned. My hope is that you guys in Castle have finished the necessary modifications on the power armor so that when I return to Castle we will be ready to move forward. Good luck everyone and stay safe. Curie, I love you. Tell Shaun I miss him."

"What could he possibly need another synth for?" Sturges asked into the quiet room.

"I'm not sure, but if the General needs Valentine to carry out the mission, he must be important." Ronnie replied gruffly, before taking a long drag of her cigarette.

"She's right. If John cannot accomplish this task with me, than it must be something related to Nick's stint in the Institute. We should be more focused on our end of things. The power armor is complete, yes?" Curie asked facing Rhys and Haylen.

"Affirmative. We are ready to go once we get the word."

"Alright then, let's make sure supplies keep coming in and carry out our normal duties until more details come to us." Curie spoke to the nodding group.

Just as the inner circle was about to return to their work, one of Hancock's guards burst into the room, breathless. He fell on to his knees in a heap trying to catch his breath.

"Boss..the courtyard..not traders..enemy..the courtyard..." Hancock moved forward and grabbed the man up off the floor. He gave him a hard shake with his irradiated hands. The ghoul had surprising amounts of strength, considering the state his body was in.

"Spit it out, man! What's going on?"

"It's a bloodbath! The Brotherhood have control of the courtyard. Everyone is dead. They are regrouping to search the inner walls. They'll be here soon. Must get out."

"We can't leave. We must save the survivors." Preston moved toward the door but the guard snatched his arm.

"Don't you get it? There are no survivors. It's just them. They are disabling our defenses and will begin searching this wing any second! We need to move, sir."

"Shaun!" Curie yelled, but the synthetic boy was already at her side. She put her arms around him squeezing him tight. "Alright people, let's move out! We need to get to the boat, now!"

Moving a large warped armoire, revealed a wide tunnel that lead into Castle's depths. The group filed in one by one as they now ran for their very lives from the enemy.

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