Josh Imagine #1 'First Date'

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As requested by fluffyunicorrns

You were currently admiring yourself in the mirror, after spending ages getting ready. You smiled to yourself, liking how you looked.
Today was the day, you were finally going on your first date with Josh.

You had known Josh for a few months now, ever since you met each other at a gaming event. The second he saw you, he knew he liked you. Not only did he find you attractive but he loved that you both shared the love of gaming and YouTube.
You two had grown close over the 2 months and yesterday he finally plucked up the courage to tell you he likes you and asked you out on a date.

You then heard someone knock on the front door, as you made your way downstairs and opened it. Josh was standing there, smiling down at you, dressed in a shirt and jeans. He looked very smart.
"Hi (Y/N) you look beautiful" Josh said to you, making you blush slightly. "You look very nice yourself" you replied giggling.

Josh then took your hand as you locked the front door and made your way over to Josh's car.
After a 20 minute drive, Josh had parked up and you both made your way over to the restaurant. The restaurant looked fancy and you were happy that you decided to wear a dress.

You were both seated and given your menus. Rather than choosing what you wanted to eat, you both got lost in conversation. The waiter soon interrupted you both, when he asked asked what you both wanted to order.

The date was going perfectly and you were having a great time. The food was delicious and nothing was awkward between the both of you. There was non-stop conversation, which you loved.
"Let's go, I want to show you something" Josh said as he stood up and held out his hand for you to take. He had paid for the food and you both walked out and headed towards his car.

"Where are we going?" You asked him curiously. "You'll see" he said as he winked at you.
After an agonising 10 minutes, Josh had parked up. You looked around at your surroundings, wondering where he had taken you too. It looked like a park, but you couldn't see very much because of the large trees standing in the way.

Josh then hopped out of the car and took your hand as you stepped out. You both then walk hand in hand, as he led you up a hill. Once you both got to the top, you were hit by an orangey light, shining onto your face. You blinked wildly, trying to adjust your eyes.
You then looked out and saw the beautiful sunset in the distance.
"Wow" you whispered to yourself.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Josh said as he put his arm around you.

"It is, this is amazing" you replied smiling up at him.
"(Y/N)?" Josh said.
"Yes?" You replied.
Josh then turned to look at you, as he held both of your hands.
"I like you so much, you're an amazing girl. You always make me smile and I love being around you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked as he looked into your eyes.
You could hardly believe it, Josh had just asked you out. You heart began to race with excitement as a smile grew on your face.

"Yes" you replied to him, smiling uncontrollably.
Josh then pulled you into a hug, as you put your arms around him, holding him tightly. This was the happiest moment, you were finally with the guy you had liked for 2 months.
You two both stood at the top of the hill, watching the sun set in the distance.
This was the perfect first date, you couldn't have asked for anything better.

I hope you enjoyed the imagine. Don't forget to keep sending me requests, I want to make a big book full of imagines/one shots.
Just let me know what you'd like to be included in the imagine :)
I hope you all have a great day :)

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