Simon Imagine #8- Pool

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Today I was going to see my boyfriend Simon. I hadn't seen him a long time and I was so excited to spend some time with him.

Soon after I was pulling into the driveway of the Sidemen house. I got out of the car and knocked on the front door.
Within seconds it opened to reveal Simon standing there, with the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"Hey" he said as he quickly pulled me close to him. I then felt myself being lifted from the ground, as Simon held me tightly. I leaned in close and connected our lips. The kiss was electric and it felt so good being with him again.

"I've missed you so much" I said smiling to at him as he put me back down.
"Me too" he said smiled down at me.

*1 hour later*
Simon and I spent the past hour talking and just enjoying each other's company.

"I've got an idea, let's play some pool" Simon said.
"Okay sounds good" I said as I followed him to the room where the pool table was placed.
Simon set everything up and I stood at one end, while he stood on the other.

"Let's make this more interesting" he said.
"How?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Let's make a bet, if I win you bhave to buy me a Nando's" he said smirking at me.
"And if I win you have to buy me that game I've been wanting" I said smiling.
"That's like £40" he replied.

"And?" I said.
"That's way more expensive than a Nando's" he said.
"Okay okay fine, how about instead you have to do whatever I want you to do" I said smirking at him.

"I don't like where this is heading" Simon replied. "It won't be anything bad, let me give you an example. If I ask you to give me a massage, then you give me a massage" I said
"Hmm, I dunno. The game looks pretty good now" he replied before laughing to himself.

"So is that a deal?" I asked.
"Yeah it's a deal but prepare to lose" he said.
"Don't be so cocky" I replied smiling.
He then held out his hand to me which I shook.
The game was on..

We decided to play rock, paper scissors to decide who goes first and I won.
I made the first break by hitting the white ball. All the other balls went flying around the table and luckily one went into the pocket.

I looked up at Simon who was staring at me and smiled.
"Beginners luck" he said.
"I have played this before" I replied.

I then lined up the next shot, the white ball was opposite the red ball. I hit it and it went in.
I then did the same shot again and the next ball went in.

I looked up at Simon who was just staring at me in shock.
"Surprised?" I asked him smirking.
"As I said, beginners luck" he replied.
I then leaned over the table to line up my shot and I felt a presence behind me. I looked round to see Simon standing behind me.

I then turned back, ready to line up my shot, when I felt Simon place his hand on my thigh. I hit the ball and it missed the pocket.
"You asshole, you made me miss my shot" I said angrily.
"Don't know what you're talking about, that was all you" he replied raising his hands in the air.

"You distracted me, that's cheating" I said.
"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Well... looks like it's my turn" he said smirking at me.
My reply was only to give him an angry stare.

He leaned over to take his shot as I watched him. He hit the white which knocked the blue ball into the pocket.
He then moved round the table, his smile never leaving his face.
He lined up the next shot and surprise surprise, the ball went into the pocket.

He continued to pocket the balls one after the other, I was now losing and I could tell he was loving it. But two can play at that game...

I walked to the other side of the pool table, so I was opposite Simon. He was lining up the shot and I leaned over the table to get a better look.
My top slipped down slightly in the front, Simon looked noticed and I could tell he lost concentration.
He hit the ball but missed the pocket.

"Whoops, oh dear" I said standing up and smiling at him.
Simon's smile had disappeared and I loved it.

There were only a few balls left on the table, if I manage to hit them all into the pocket, then I win.
I hit the first ball, went in.
Hit the second ball, went in.

The last ball was now left on the table, if I put this in I win. If I miss and Simon gets it in, then he wins.
I made sure Simon wasn't anywhere near me this time. I lined up the shot, making sure I had the best angle. I hit the white ball and watched it hit the ball. It moved towards the pocket but hit the side.

"Shit" I said under my breath.
I looked up and saw that Simon's smile was back.
None of us said a word, I watched Simon line up his shot. He hit the ball and I watched it fall into the pocket.

Simon stood back up, starting at me. With the biggest grin on his face.
"Well looks like I won" he said.
"Yeah yeah whatever" I said trying to sound angry. "Told you I was gonna win" he said as he walked over to me.

"I'll beat you next time" I said trying to hide my smile.
Simon then picked me up and placed me on the pool table. He stood in between my legs and placed his hands on my waist.
"So.. looks like you owe me a Nando's" he said smiled at me.

"Okay fine, well done. But I will beat you next time" I said.
"Maybe.. we'll just have to wait and see what happens" he said smirking.
He then leaned in close to me and planted his lips on mine. I put my arms around his neck as I deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes, we pulled away from the kiss. He then leaned his forehead against mine and smiled.
"I love you" he told me.
"I love you too" I replied before kissing him again.

I hope you enjoyed this imagine.
This imagine was inspired by an extended scene in Fifty Shades Darker. The scene is added in the DVD and is more sexual, so I took out the part where they play pool and changed it.

Requests are still open!

I have a few requests and I'm sorry if you are waiting for an imagine, I will be doing them as soon as I have time. But it's hard at the moment because I'm working a lot.

But if you would like me to write an imagine for you, then let me know 😊

I hope you all have a great day

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