Chapter 1

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Whitney's p.o.v

I wake up and quickly get my laptop out. If you don't already know I'm Whitney Wolf, i know, funny name, i hate it. And live with my brother, Adrian Wolf. We live in a good sized apartment cause him and me support each other. I am a sponsored youtuber and he is a volley ball player.

I sit up in bed slouching a bit and click the record button, here it goes.


"As you fellow subscribers may know. I was challenged to do the 'wake up' youtuber challenge." I sigh.

Ok the wake up youtuber challenge is when you get up and make a video right away. No preparation. Wow.

"Just so you know today is special. I AM ON SUMMER BREAK!!!! Yes!" I say super excited. "Well believe it or not i do have a life so, thanks for tuning in to see me look horribibl and by." I say in a cheery tone.

End recording*

I close my laptop after uploading and am about to go downstairs. But i stop in the hall when i hear a noise. Oh great. Now i love my brother. But i also hate him. He is highschool friends with five boys.

Louis, the annoying one. Niall, the eat you out of house and home one. Harry, the flirty kid with curls, also annoying. Zayn, the strikingly handsome but weirdo and annoying one. Then there is Liam, poor poor Li, he is the one like a second brother to me. I always make videos with him. That's how i got sponsored.

I sneak downstairs and try lamely to sneak past the living room to get breakfast. How long have i put up with these jerks. Oh yeah i just met them at the beginning of this week. Yuppies that is right. They started getting back with my brother a on monday. It is now Wednesday and Adrian has had them over the past two days. But not usually this early.

Just so you know. I have no friends. At all. Except Liam. My only friends are on a screen. My faithful subscribers. Oh well who needs friends, boyfriends, all that drama right.

I finally make it to the kitchen and regret even coming down the stairs when i see Niall. I am silent as i get out the nuttella and bread. "Hello smarty pants." Niall shrug laughs. Oh gosh. "Why hello asshole." I say as i start toasting my bread. "Nice crab pajamas." He giggles as i roll my eyes. He then walks out and i hear all the boys start laughing a few minutes later.

As i butter my toast Adrian skips in. He is 18, a volleyball player , and loves hanging with friends. "Hey yuppie." He says as he grabs a coke. Yuppie is his nickname for me cause i say it all the time. I can't lie, i kinda like it.

"Hey A." I say trying to act cheery. "Why the friends over this early?" I ask as he smiles. I don't let him catch on that i hate having them around. But i think he kinda knows a little. "Oh ya' know. Just an early start i guess. " he says happily. He is way to happy today.

"What's up." I say as i am done hinting around.

"Ok you got me." He shrugs. "The boys are staying with us cause the media found out where they are. So." He says blowing my mind.

"What." I say in a whisper. "Come on sis i know u don't like'm that much but." He says making puppy dog eyes. Oh no. I hate those.

"Fine." I mutter walking out into the hall. I run past the annoying boys and into my room. This is going to be a long, well, however long they are staying.

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