Chapter 19

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I smile as we walk back to our table. His hand in mine. We sit and i look at him. "You look beautiful tonight by the way." He says as i now look down blushing. "Thanks." I mutter. "Hey you two love birds. I'm glad you enjoyed my music." I country voice says as i squeal and look up. "Oh my gosh. I love your music, oh my gosh your really here, in front of me." I say freaking as i stand. "Yup. Nice to meet you Zayn and......." Hunter trails off as he doesn't know my name. Duh. I didn't know he knew who 1D were. Wow.

"Um. W-Whitney, Whitney Wolf." I stutter as he smiles and pulls me into a hug. I smirk as we hug. Omg. "Nice to meet you Whitney." He says breaking it. "Now i better scat before you're boyfriend beats me up." He says winking at me. "Oh no. We aren't typically together." I say as i look at Zayn who is looking a bit off now. "Okay i get it. Welp. Bye see you round Whit."

"Omg. He called me by my nickname. Ah." I screech as he walks away. I sit back down and look at Zayn. "Omg. So what." He says copying my tone in a rather rude way while he then turns away. "Come on Zayn what's wrong. This is a good nigh for me. I wanted to thank you. I say as we both stand up. Then i lightly kiss him on the cheek. Just then he brightens and smiles looking at me. "You're welcome." He says as i see him blush. "Aw you're blushing." I say as he turns even red'er. "Yeah yeah." He says but gets cut off.

"Woah you guys leaving already? You know El and i aren't full with gossip yet. Oh wait. We are. Really full." I here a voice say which turns out to be Louis who is walking towards us with El. "Oh my gosh. Were you spying on us the whole time." I say kind of embarrassed and frustrated. "Oh yes." El giggles poking me. Louis makes kissy lips and Zayn punches his shoulder. "Shut up Lou." He says wrapping an arm around me.

"And why are you guys here." Zayn says noticing, me too. Why are they here. Louis turns a bright red. "Oh um. We are sorta." He stumbles but El finishes in a excited tone. 'Lou asked me on a date." She says as Louis blushes more. "Hurt her and your dead Lou." I say as he puts his hands up in defense as Zayn chuckles.

After that we all went home and i hopped in bed quickly. Smiling as i remembered all the events of tonight.


I decided to just do a filler chap. cause it's late here. And it just helps to wright a little when your having one of those days ugh. So there. Aw El and Lou are so cute. Comment if you ship Whayn??!? ;)


Just Too Cute (Zayn Malik) - One Direction StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя