Chapter 21

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My phone goes off and i tilt my head forward. It's three- thirty am and i haven't been able to sleep. And not only because of Niall's loud snoring.

I look at it and see it's a text. I open it praying that it's not the creep.

Did i wake you? I couldn't sleep.

I smile as i see it's from Zayn.

No. :) i couldn't either.

I text as i look back at him and we meet eyes. I smile and look back at my phone.

So about the kiss?

Oh boy, what now.


Did you like it?

Um....i guess.

Just i guess. :(


I want to cuddle. Like Liam and Danielle.

I look over and smile as i see the two love birds snuggled against each other enjoying each other's presence. Aw.

I'm up if your down.


Then i lock my phone and slide out of the seat. I make my way to the back where Zayn is sitting alone in the last row with four seats in a row. Just as i get there he pats his lap. I sit and he tilts us down slowly so we are laying spread across all four seats like it's a bed. "Why can't you sleep?" He whispers in my ear making me shiver. He was so sweet and i felt so protected in his arms.

"Honestly. I'm afraid the airplane will blow up or something." I say as he chuckles. "I'll be here to save you if it does." He whispers as i turn to look at him. "Thanks." I say as i smile with him.

"So i've been meaning to ask you something ever since the. Um, kiss." He says as i make a confused face. Oh no what am i gonna say.

"Will you be my g-girlfriend?"

Just Too Cute (Zayn Malik) - One Direction StoryWhere stories live. Discover now