Chapter 18

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Please listen to this song when i put:  *start song* in this chapter. You don't have to. But it makes it alot better and please comment on how the song fit and how emotional it was.

Thanks ily

Chapter 18:

The driver drives us to the Tower in complete silence. Zayn gets out and offers me a hand out of the car. I just smile and take it. I love this.

"So. We'll go up the tower and then to dinner right?" He asks as i nod. "Sure." I smile. As the elevator takes us up we talk about whatever and how we're both excited. "Wow i can't believe this is happening." I say as he takes my hand and leads me out when we are at the top. "It's so beautiful." I here him whisper in disbelief. There people scattered everywhere in the busy paris streets.

It was amazing.

I walked closer to the edge and got a bit dizzy. I was getting a nauseous stomach after being up here for well. About five minutes. I looked at Zayn as he peered over. He looked so cute. His anxious brown eyes like a childs watching people walk below.

It is now 8:30 p.m. and we are watching the sunset on top of the Eiffel Tower. Me and Zayn are watching it while sitting on the small bench up here. He smiles at me and slips his hand in mine. "This feels right." He whispers in my ear as i look at him. He starts to lean in and i almost couldn't resist. "No." I tell him quietly.

"Why not, every damn time i try." He yells a bit. Some people look over as i shoosh him. "Zayn i. I just can't. We can't. We are enemy's like. We play around with eachother that's it. Right." I say as he looks down. He clenchs his jaw. I feel so bad. "Fine then just let me take you to dinner." He says walking to the elevator. I follow as he presses the bottom button. He is coldly rejecting me as we go down now.

I start to feel tears. Great. I just feel so bad. I hear him sigh. "Whit. Don't cry. I didn't mean to yell. What are you crying about." He asks as i sniffle. "Nothing." I mutter as he sighs knowing i just wanna drop it. I can't tell him.

As we step out of his camaro i look ahead to the fancy restaurant and gasp when i see a sign by it.

Performing tonight: Hunter Hayes

"He is my favorite country singer." I gush as he smiles. "Yup he'll be performing as we eat." He says as we walk in. And sure enough he is performing live. Right there in front of me. "Omg. Thank you so much for this." I say to Zayn as we sit and order. "He's so cute. Look at his and, and ahhh." I fangirl as i watch him. At that Zayn roles his eyes and chuckles. "Wow." He mutters.

A while later we get talking and have finished all our pasta. We both ordered the same thing. Lol. We are just talking about life and stuff as people start walking to the middle of the fancy ballroom/restaurant and i hear one of my favorite songs of his start playing while he introduces it. Just as i am about to speak Zayn gets up and bows.

*start song here .*

"May i have this dance. M'lady." He says as my heart melts. "Yes." I smile jumping up.

Soon we are swaying to Cry With You.

I look away as he gently wraps his arms around my waist. I wish i could trust him. And let him know how much I've fallen. What i think about him. How much i like him. I lay my head on his chest as he sways me. It feels so right. "Why don't you trust me?" I hear him whisper in my ear as i tear up. I start crying as he lifts my chin up to look him in the eyes.  I look in his chocolate brown eyes that have a little hint of sadness. "You can trust me. When i see you like this it makes me so upset and sad." He says quietly. Tears run down my cheeks as i look at him and smile weakly. he wipes some gently away.  "Your not alone. Lately you just haven't been yourself. And i don't like that. I like you and who you are." He says as i smile. He's so sweet. "No Whitney. I mean it. I. Like. You." He says slowly so i can process it. But i don't, i don't think i ever will. "I like you too." I say in sudden realization. Crap forget about the creep Whitney. This is you and Zayn's night tonight.

Right then as i look at him i feel so safe. "C-can i k-kiss you?" He stutters. Then he leans in and i lean in too giving him my silent permission. His lips meet mine as he gently and passionately smiles into the kiss. Fireworks explode as our lips move and it feels like electricity is running through my veins. It's so so right. Then why is it so wrong. Right then is when i notice i love him all along. All I've ever wanted to do is kiss this guy. He's so sweet. It's a long passionate kiss. And it's amazing as can be. I just know hes the one.

As we part our kiss i look up and smile getting lost in his brown eyes and he wipes my tears away. I lay my head where it was on his chest before and close my eyes. But they are soon opened as i open them and look to see who is clapping. I see Hunter looking at us and clapping as i gasp and notice everyone else is too. They are clapping cause we kissed.

This night couldn't get more perfect.


Ah it happened. Hope you liked the song i picked. Please comment what you thought.

Ily all

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