True Friends- Chapter 1

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Y/N= Your Name Y/L/N= Your Last Name H/C= Hair Colour E/C= Eye Colour F/C= Favourite Colour F/N= Your Friend's Name Y/F/N= Your full name

You were sitting in King's Landing, at one of the fountains, under a willow tree. You had travelled here with the Starks, who you spent a lot of time with, despite being a Bolton. Your father was strict on what you were allowed to do. You were in King's Landing to marry, have children and carry on the family name. However, with your father miles and miles away and Ned Stark being more lenient with you, this opened opportunities.

Meanwhile, there was a Small Council meeting going on. "Lord Bolton has requested his daughter to be married." Ned Stark stated at the meeting of the small council.

"Who to?" Varys raised his eyebrow.

"I do not know. She can not be married to Jamie, as he is in the King's Guard. She can not be married to Tyrion as Lord Bolton has made it very clear that it would not be okay. So, Roose demanded she is married to a member of the small council or another high lord." Ned stopped to let this process. "The King has agreed to it."
No one spoke for a few moments.
"And who do you suppose will marry the girl?" Petyr smirked.
"We were thinking, you. Lord Baelish," Ned Stark nodded.
"Why me? " Petyr asked.
"She is a very smart girl, I was thinking your intellect would suit hers." Ned explained. Petyr said nothing and looked back down to his book.

"Any other matters we need to discuss?" Ned raised his eyebrow. Silence filled the room. So therefore, Ned and the rest of the small council began to get up and leave. Suddenly, Petyr approached Ned.
"Why did you pick me of all people to marry the Bolton girl? There are plenty more smart people in this kingdom." he asked.
"Because Lord Bolton wouldn't have allowed her to marry Varys as he is unable to consumate the marriage. Pycelle is rather old and Renley wouldn't be interested. So I am sure, Lord Bolton would have picked you, even if I hadn't. Also,between you and me. She's very smart and she studies people. Quite like you. I don't know too many high lords who could handle that. Do you?" Ned Stark asked, but Petyr responded with silence.
"The girl travelled with us. You are welcome to see her."
"How old is she?" Petyr asked.

"19." Ned nodded. "She spent a lot of time with us in Winterfell. She is a lovely girl. I'm sure you'll love her. She is by the willow tree and the fountain, if you were wondering." Ned nodded before walking away.

Petyr let out a sigh before going off to the fountain. He watched you from a far. Your H/C hair was in a northen style braid and you had a small rose in your hand as you sat by the fountain. 'She's a pretty girl.' Petyr thought to himself. You smiled to yourself, feeling the sun beaming on your skin. It was different from Winterfell. It was warmer and the people spoke differently. The people acted differently too.
You missed Winterfell. You didn't miss your bastard brother though. He was cruel, even to you.

"Lady Bolton." Petyr smirked as he approached you.

"Lord Baelish." you smiled,standing to bow at him.

"No need for such formalities Lady Bolton." he nodded, and you just smiled. "I suppose you know why you're here."
"Yes. " you nodded. "I am here to marry a man, have his children and possibly live a long and happy life? " you laughed.
"That may be the only purpose most think I have here, but I assure you I am here for more than that." you smile.
"Oh. Are you Lady Bolton?" Petyr raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." you smiled. "By the way, Lord Baelish, call me Y/N,"
"Okay Y/N, call me Petyr." he smirked. He had to know more about this girl. If he is to marry her, and she is as mysterious as she seems, he may achieve his goal with her. She may one day, be his queen.

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